Alert: We May Not Win a War Against Islam…‼
Cos… · @Coslopuss
17th Jan 2015 from TwitLonger
It must be known that with 2 plus years more of Obama and his Muslim Brotherhood infiltrated/infected Administration, We may NOT win the war that Islam has declared on the World.
Through Obama’s and Jarrett’s concentrated efforts, ISIS has grown in wealth, territory, strength and numbers. This is NO accident. This is a planned event. Obama has been gutting Our Military; Firing Our Generals; Slashing Our Defense Budget; Withdrawing Our Troops; and the Troops he leaves behind…Cannot Open Fire…unless fired upon and even then not without explicit permission…
Obama depletes Our Arsenal by firing million dollar rockets from 800 million dollar planes on lone humvee’s and empty buildings…We all know an airstrike should consist of 200 airstrikes per day..NOT over a 2 month period..
The under armed Kurds…have held off ISIS for over 2 months…the American Military cannot beat them back AT ALL..???….This is by Design…
In two more years….much of Europe will be enveloped by Sharia as is evidenced by what’s happening in the UK, The Netherlands, France…what Western Allies will be ready, willing and able to help us Post-Obama…? Australia perhaps…Abbott seems to be the only one who gets it…If you watched the Sharia Marionette Show both Cameron and Obama put on yesterday with incredulity…well lose that…and START WORRYING…Big Time…!!
When the time comes to beat back this menace…WE MAY NOT WIN…!!! This needs to be said because People Must Awaken from their Slumber…NOW…!!
And to Atheists:…Stop…!!! Stop litigating the Judeo/Christian roots of America out of Our Culture…YOU are helping to sweep the Political Ideology of Islam in. Stop …!! Comparing Christianity and Judaism to Islam…Islam is NOT a religion…It is NOT a Race…
Saudi Arabia just declared ALL YOU ATHEISTS….TERRORISTS….!!! I’ve been telling you forever that YOU will be the FIRST dropping to your knees praising Allah…and I stand by that….Your Stupidity by not Standing with Christians and Jews who will stand with you against Islam is a testament to your own Bigotry and MASSIVE STUPIDITY…It’s unacceptable in this Global Landscape for your stupidity to continue…