We have libertarian candidates that have filed for nomination to be representatives of the Libertarian Party on the ballot. Their selection will happen in the upcoming county, district, and state conventions. It is important for Libertarians to affiliate with the party at their precinct conventions in March. This will allow them to choose when candidates represent them on the ballot and who they get to vote for. Remember, all LP candidates must run against NOTA (None of the Above) even if they are the only nominee. The convention dates are listed before and are on our calendar:
- Precinct Conventions: March 11th
- County Conventions: March 15th
- District Conventions: March 22nd
- State Convention: April 11th-13th (all weekend) @ Temple Convention Center
More details about where and when will be released after the LP Bexar Business Meeting Feb 8th. If you wish to participate in these convention please contact Arthur Thomas (historian@lpbexar.org) to get more info. We want to get many libertarians to participate in this process so we can have a strong showing in this years elections. The following candidates have filed for nomination. Our convention elections will determine who is placed on the ballot to represent the LP. http://www.lpbexar.org/candidates
Ask the Libertarian Candidates. submit your questions you want me to ask the candidates for Texas
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