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BHO says it’s Art

I was arguing with a friend of mine about President Obama during his first term when it hit me, in his mind the President could do no wrong. After a while I came up with  a theory about the mindset of your average Obama voters and those  that blindly support him. This theory your seeing play out amongst his supporters in the media like Juan Williams on O’Reilly last night Chris Matthews on msnbc on anynight.

President Obama could walk into their house and take a massive shit on their coffee table or favorite rug and tell them that it was art and not only would his supporters believe it but they would applaud him for his brilliance.

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Welcome To TheBonfireMedia

I’m Jon Senter ex-heavy equipment operator, maintenances, fuel lube, everything man. After I got hurt in 2000 i started playing around with websites, it turns out i wasn’t have bad at it. My little business, making and managing sites for non-profits, went to crap after the election of BHO and the Dem takeover… A boy hood dream of mine was to be in TV or Radio News, but with my dyslexia it really was just a pipe dream.

Well here to Dreams Come True…

I promise to bring you the truth as it is where ever i find it, with logic, facts and humor as my sword & shield I will go forth and do battle with the progressive agenda of big government and little freedom.

I believe with my whole being that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

This means we are all equal as individuals to live and let live as we see fit. The only obstacles that we have before us are put there by ourselves and our government. Get the government out of the people’s way and let us grow.




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Texas drug test for public money bill

Texas is trying to pass a bill to drug test welfare, some are saying this is a bad bill personally I don’t think this bill goes far enough instead of just testing for illegal drugs like marijuana or cocaine I think we should test for alcohol. Why should we work hard to fund somebody else’s drugs and alcohol. I also think they should take into account lots of gold jewelry expensive fingernails hairstyles and clothing the type of car you’re driving and a whole host of other things. Why should people work hard I’m going to have the government take their money away to give it to people that aren’t working hard that are wasting that are not life sustaining. If you need public tax money if you need the public to find your life then the public should only fun those things sustain your existence.

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