My son deploys to Afghanistan later this month. He knows to remove the politics from his mind and understands that the innocent deaths of thousands of Americans are a just and proper cause to let loose hell on those that perpetrated these acts or plan future acts of terrorism. He understands to remove the emotion that clouds judgement and kill the enemy as one would a rabid animal: You don’t hate the animal, but kill it nonetheless because it is the right thing to do and not lose a seconds sleep over it.
Nov. 4, 2013 at 2:38pm
(Visited 33 times, 1 visits today)
Best Blaze Comment
This brings back the painful memory of a cook in my unit in Germany the day our chaplain broke the news that his brother was on PanAm flight 103 that was also taken down by a Libyan terrorist’s bomb. One of my subordinate’s was also in the Berlin disco that was bombed by Libyan terrorists (the Libyan government). He survived and still has shrapnel working it’s way out of his back.