Michelle Obama: GOP Is Anti-Science for Allowing Women to Buy Potatoes

via Michelle Obama: GOP Is Anti-Science for Allowing Women to Buy Potatoes – The Last Resistance | The Last Resistance.

Posted By Chris Graham on Jun 2, 2014

Michelle Obama warned readers in an an op-ed for The New York Times on Wednesday that, “Right now, the House of Representatives is considering a bill to override science by mandating that white potatoes be included on the list of foods that women can purchase using WIC dollars. Now, there is nothing wrong with potatoes. The problem is that many women and children already consume enough potatoes and not enough of the nutrient-dense fruits and vegetables they need.”

So much for being pro-choice. But isn’t that such a fun phrase, “override science”? Both in its predictable use and its lack of sensible meaning. You can’t override science, so why is she claiming a House bill does so? You can override “scientific consensus,” which is itself an unscientific idea, but not science. It’s a nice, frightening buzz-phrase, though, logic be damned.

If you disagree with a Democrat, you hate science. You also hate children, hate women, hate clean water (personally, muddy drinking water is my favorite), hate nature (yay, litter!), hate Earth, hate non-whites and non-straights, hate the elderly, and hate children with Down’s Syndrome. There’s no arguing with Democrats. If you disagree with them, there is no possibility for civil discourse. You are simply labeled a hater and a cretin, and that gives the Democrats a good enough excuse not to engage in civil discourse or debate with you. “I don’t need to justify myself to a hate-monger.” It’s really convenient, being a Democrat.

So Republicans want to override science, Michelle tells us, because they want to allow women who are receiving Women, Infants and Children (WIC) assistance the choice to purchase white potatoes. This is like saying that if I have a sweet potato and I have a white potato, and I tell a woman, “Here, take either one,” I am overriding science. Giving someone the option to buy white potatoes is anti-science, according to Michelle; science, she believes, does not allow room for freedom of spud choice.


via Michelle Obama: GOP Is Anti-Science for Allowing Women to Buy Potatoes – The Last Resistance | The Last Resistance.

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