She’s a Law-Abiding Single Mom With a Concealed Carry Permit — The Reason She Faces Over 11 Years in Jail Is Almost Unbelievable
A hard-working single mom from Philadelphia reportedly now faces more than 11 years in prison on multiple gun charges — but the details behind the charges have stunned people across the nation.
Shaneen Allen, a single mother to two young boys, is a legal concealed carry permit holder. She reportedly obtained her permit to protect herself and her kids after she was robbed twice. Allen has no prior criminal record and everything about her gun and concealed carry permit is legal. New Jersey New Jersey
However, her nightmare began when she traveled to New Jersey from Philadelphia.
Allen was reportedly pulled over by a New Jersey cop for an “unsafe lane change” back in October 2013. Doing what she had been trained to do, the mother informed the officer that she is a concealed carry permit holder and armed at the time.
What she didn’t know was that her permit and firearm became instantly illegal once she crossed into New Jersey, a state with extremely strict gun laws. As TheBlaze previously reported, the mother was arrested and at first faced about 3 years in prison.
Allen reportedly appeared in court this week and, to many people’s surprise, the case wasn’t dismissed by the judge. In fact, she now reportedly faces a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison for possession a concealed weapon and another potential 18 months for possession of hollow-point bullets — more than 11.5 years in total. reports that the prosecutor wouldn’t even allow Allen to accept a pretrial deal in order to avoid jail time. Instead, the prosecutor reportedly offered her a plea bargain that includes five years in prison with no option of parole for 3.5 years.
Evan Nappen, Allen’s attorney, told the website that “New Jersey’s gun law is as unforgiving as a prosecutor or judge wants to make it.”
“Either of those two, the judge or the prosecutor could have taken steps to relieve Shaneen from this situation, but it didn’t happen,” he added.
My9 New Jersey
(H/T: Mediaite)
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