The Best TheBlaze Comment
9/11 Truther Disrupts Post-Super Bowl Press Conference in a Big Way
sorry, your ‘look at the video’ attitude is ridiculous and the underlying ‘theories’ that have been advanced have been thoroughly debunked.
Instead of being thankful that engineering allowed those buildings to withstand that impact force at speed jumbo jets fully loaded with fuel (and larger than the buildings had been designed to tolerate) striking, and instead of being toppled immediately standing long enough for thousands to escape, a petty fearful self-important few choose to believe that a conspiracy that would have necessarily involved hundreds of people has been kept completely silent for more than a decade…
It doesn’t happen, mike, and arguing the contrary is providing our enemies with ammunition and our allies with doubt that the sheeple of America will ever throw off the yoke of big government tyranny and resume the mantle of world leadership.
Bin Laden never claimed it was an inside job. There are plenty of REAL things to be suspicious of your government about, stop wasting time with fantasies.