Keep Your Hippocratic Oath Free Justina
You are Killing #JustinaPelletier
Hippocratic Oath
I swear by Apollo the Physician, Asclepius, Hygeia, Panaceia, and all the gods and goddesses, making them my witnesses, that I will fulfill this oath and this covenant according to my ability and judgment:
To regard him who teaches me the art of medicine as equal to my parents; to share my life with him and, if he is in need, my sustenance; to regard his children as my brothers and to teach them this art, if they wish to learn it, without fee or covenant; to give instruction, written, oral, and practical, to my sons and the sons of my teacher, as well as to any students who have signed a covenant and sworn an oath according to the canons of our profession, but to no others.
I will apply therapeutic measures for the benefit of the sick according to my ability and judgment, and will abstain from harm and wrongdoing.
I will not give a lethal drug to anyone requesting it, nor will I recommend the use of such. Likewise I will not give a woman an abortive drug.
I will live my life and practice my art in purity and in holiness.
I will not perform surgery, even on sufferers from stone, but will not interfere with those who engage in such work.
Whatever houses I enter, I will do so for the benefit of the sick, refraining from all intentional wrongdoing and misconduct, particularly from sexual involvement with persons of either gender, whether free or slaves.
I will not divulge anything of a private nature regarding people’s personal lives that I see or hear, whether in the course of my professional activities or not, because I recognize the shamefulness of revealing such information.
If I carry out this oath and do not break it, may I find satisfaction in life and the practice of my profession and may I deserve honor among men forever. If I violate it and swear falsely, may the opposite be my lot.
Sandra L. Fenwick, President and Chief Executive Officer | Kevin Churchwell, MD, Executive Vice President of Health Affairs and Chief Operating Officer |
President and Chief Executive Officer: Sandra L. Fenwick
Executive Vice President of Health Affairs and Chief Operating Officer: Kevin Churchwell, MD
Physician-in-Chief, Pediatrician in Chief, Chair of Department of Medicine: Gary R. Fleisher, MD
Surgeon-in-Chief: James Kasser, MD
Executive Director, Heart Center: Michael J. Anderegg
Senior Vice President and Chief Administrative Officer: Dick Argys
Executive Director, Satellite Clinical Operations: Julee Bolg, RN, MS, MBA
Senior Vice President and Chief Marketing and Communications Officer: Margaret Coughlin
Chief Innovation Officer: Naomi Fried, PhD
Vice President, Clinical Services: Michael Gillespie
Vice President, Research Administration: Gus Cervini
Vice President, Government Relations: Josh Greenberg
Senior Vice President, Chief Safety and Quality Officer: Kathy Jenkins, MD
Vice President, Strategy: Jean Mixer
Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer: Daniel Nigrin, MD, MS
Senior Vice President and General Counsel: Stuart Novick, Esq.
Chief Investment Officer: Phil Rotner
Senior Vice President, Patient Care Services and Chief Nursing Officer: Laura J. Wood, DNP, MS, RN
Vice President, Human Resources: Inez Stewart
President, Children’s Hospital Trust: Lynn Susman
Vice President of Support Services: Henry Tomasuolo
Chief Financial Officer (CFO): Doug Vanderslice
Executive Director, Satellite Administrative Operations: Jane Venti
Senior Vice President, Network Development and Strategic Partnerships: Wendy Warring, JD
Vice President, Real Estate Planning and Development: Charles Weinstein, Esq.
Department and division chiefs
Department of Anesthesiology
Paul R. Hickey, MD, Anesthesiologist-in-Chief
- Division of Cardiac Anesthesia: James A. DiNardo, MD
- Division of Critical Care Medicine: Jeffrey Burns
- Division of Pain Management: Charles Berde
- Division of Perioperative Anesthesia: Lynne Ferrari
Department of Cardiac Surgery: Pedro Del Nido
Department of Cardiology: James Lock, MD, Cardiologist-in-Chief
Department of Dentistry: Man Wai Ng
Department of Laboratory Medicine: Orah Platt
Department of Medicine:
Gary Fleisher, Physician-in-Chief
Frederick Lovejoy, Associate Physician-in-Chief
Division of Adolescent and Young Adult Medicine: S. Jean Emans
Division of Clinical Pediatric Oncology: Lisa R. Diller
Division of Developmental Medicine: Leonard Rappaport, MD, MS
Division of Emergency Medicine: Richard G. Bachur, MD
Division of Endocrinology: Joseph A. Majzoub, MD
Division of Gastroenterology/Nutrition: Wayne I. Lencer, MD
Clinical Research Center:
Stavroula Osganian, MD, ScD, MPH
Ellis Neufeld
Division of General Pediatrics: Mark A. Schuster, MD, PhD
Division of Genetics: Christopher A. Walsh, MD, PhD
Division of Hematology/Oncology: David A. Williams, MD
Division of Immunology: Raif Geha, MD
Division of Infectious Diseases: Michael Wessels, MD
Division of Molecular Medicine: Stephen Harrison, PhD
Division of Nephrology: William E. Harmon, MD
Division of Newborn Medicine: Stella Kourembanas, MD
Division of Respiratory Diseases: Craig Gerard, MD, PhD
Department of Neurology: Scott L. Pomeroy, MD, PhD
Division of Epilepsy:
Blaise Bourgeois, MD
Department of Neurosurgery: Alan Cohen, MD, FACS, FAAP
Department of Ophthalmology: David G. Hunter, MD, PhD
Department of Orthopedic Surgery: James R. Kasser, MD, Surgeon-in-Chief
Division of Sports Medicine: Lyle J. Micheli, MD
Department of Otolaryngology: Michael J. Cunningham, MD
Department of Pathology: Mark Daniel Fleming, MD, DPhil
Department of Plastic Surgery: John G. Meara, MD, DMD, MBA
Section of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery: Bonnie L. Padwa, DMD, MD
Department of Psychiatry: David R. DeMaso, MD
Division of Psychology: Eugene J. D’Angelo, PhD
Department of Radiology: Richard L. Robertson, Jr., MD
Division of Computed Tomography: Michael J. Callahan, MD
Division of Diagnostic Radiology: Kirsten Ecklund, MD
Division of Interventional Radiology: Darren B. Orbach, MD, PhD
Division of Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Caroline D. Robson, MB, ChB
Division of Neuroradiology: Caroline D. Robson, MB, ChB
Division of Nuclear Medicine/PET:
Stephan D. Voss, MD, PhD
Laura Drubach
Division of Ultrasound: Carol E. Barnewolt, MD
Department of Surgery: Robert C. Shamberger, MD
Division of Gynecology: Marc R. Laufer, MD
Department of Urology: David A. Diamond, MD
Genomics: Louis Kunkel, PhD
Informatics: Isaac Kohane, MD, PhD
Neuroscience: Clifford Woolf, PhD
Stem Cell/Developmental Biology: Leonard Zon, MD
Vascular Biology: Marsha A. Moses, PhD
Everyone listed above is responsible in whole or in part of this