The Break-Up of the American Family Can Be Traced Directly Back to Liberalism
RUSH: Eric, Newtown, Connecticut. It’s great to have you on the program. Hello.
CALLER: Hi, Rush. I really do appreciate you taking calls, giving the few the opportunity to speak to the millions.
RUSH: Well, I’m glad you waited. I appreciate your patience.
CALLER: I gotta also give you a huge pat on the back, too. I’m not sure… You know, fame, it doesn’t come in one flavor that everybody wants a piece. What you’re doing is really a courageous thing for truth, simply being truthful. It’s quite a burden that you have to carry to do that. I really appreciate it. But the point I wanted to make, Rush, was that the problem that’s going on in this country right now is broken hearts.
These people, these dysfunctional females are making these young people. Everyone starts off with youth, and if they don’t have a father who’s showing them how to do life, they want to cling to anything. They really do trust Obama, period! They trust him, and, let me tell you, they’d reelect him. I know. I live and work with these people. They really would reelect Obama right now.
They don’t care about the Constitution.
They don’t care about how many people died for them to have the right to do anything that’s going on around them. It’s an every-man-for-himself existence that they live right now, and it really is a sad thing. If people looked at it from this point of view, the people who have had Pops… God bless him. Like you’ve shared so much of your life, your personal life with us, Rush.
Not everybody had Pops in their life. I did have a strong moral father in my life, but that’s where we learned how we don’t have to be afraid, and then where did we learn our morals from? We learned it in the church! There’s a whole other thing that young people and people in general want to stay away from because that’s the place where people gonna get judged.
RUSH: I know.
CALLER: There’s no judging these people. That’s like a personally attack!
RUSH: I know. People have not been taught to take risks. They have not been taught to learn how to get along on their own.
CALLER: They’re scared to death, Rush, and they trust Obama. You know, it’s not happening by accident, this whole Obamacare thing. It’s not called the Affordable Health Care Act for nothing.
RUSH: I know. It’s called the Obama phone. It’s called Obama stamps.
CALLER: It’s because they trust him.
RUSH: Well, look, that argument that he made is irrefutable when applied certain people. He’s basically saying that the breakup of the traditional family causes it. He’s focused on lack of father ’cause they’re the ones that vamanos mostly and the government comes right in and assumes the role of father — and it doesn’t just affect young boys, Eric. Single women likewise end up looking at government as provider, protector, you name it.
None of the rest matters. You exactly right. “Constitution? The hell with that! Free speech? I don’t care! Where is my phone? I don’t care! Where are my food stamps or whatever. I mean, you gotta eat, and you’ve got to live, and I don’t care about the Fourth Amendment and searches and seizures. I don’t care! Where am I gonna get my whatever?” So I know. That’s also by design, by the way.
The breakup of the family, you can trace it. You can trace this. You can trace it right back to 1964 and the Great Society and Lyndon Johnson. You can trace it. You can trace the bust-up of the family — you can trace the dissolution of black families, you can trace the rampant increase in poverty, you can trace the amount of money that has been transferred to deal with these inequalities and inequities — and you will see that all of this “charity” quote/unquote has just given rise to the need for more of it.
It hasn’t solved anything.
Eric, I appreciate the call.