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Author Archives: Jon T Dragon

FCC to police media, BLOGGERS THAT’S YOU

this new step will eventually give the FCC the power to take out websites like TheBonfireMedia, TheBlaze and many others. Your VOICE must be stopped because it’s harming Obama and the Big Govt. Libs.

The Federal Communications Commission is planning a broad probe of political speech across media platforms, an unprecedented move that raises serious First Amendment concerns.

The FCC’s proposed “Multi-Market Study of Critical Information Needs,” which is set to begin a field test in a single market with an eye toward a comprehensive study in 2014, would collect a remarkably wide range of information on demographics, point of view, news topic selection, management style and other factors in news organizations both in and out of the FCC’s traditional purview.

The airwaves regulator would also subject news producers in all media to invasive questioning about their work and content.

A methodology worked up by Silver Spring, Maryland-based Social Solutions International (SSI) says that in addition to its general evaluation of news content, the survey will include a “qualitative component” featuring interrogations of news organization owners, management and employees.

Among the questions federal contractors will be asking of private media companies:

For media owners:

“What is the news philosophy of the station?”

For editors, producers and managers:

“Do you have any reporters or editors assigned to topic ‘beats’? If so how many and what are the beats?”

“Who decides which stories are covered?”

For reporters:

“Have you ever suggested coverage of what you consider a story with critical information for your customers (viewers, listeners, readers) that was rejected by management?” (Followup questions ask the reporter to speculate on why a particular story was spiked.)

According to a May article in Communications Daily, Social Solutions International will be paid $917,823 for the study, which also questions news consumers about their habits and numerically codes news content according to how well, in the FCC’s view, it meets the “critical information needs” (CIN) of particular “communities.”

“The FCC has a duty to make sure that the industries it regulates serve the needs of the American public no matter where they live or what financial resources they have,” acting FCC chairwoman Mignon Clyburn said in a May announcement of the survey. “The research design we announce today is an important next step in understanding what those needs are, how Americans obtain the information critical to their daily lives in a dynamic technological environment, and what barriers exist in our media ecologies to providing and accessing this information.”

Other observers take a less sanguine view of the proposal.

“In this study, the FCC will delve into the editorial discretion of newspapers, web sites and radio and TV stations,” Hudson Institute Fellow Robert McDowell, who served as an FCC commissioner from 2009 to 2013, told The Daily Caller. “This starts sticking the government’s nose into what has traditionally been privileged and protected ground. Regardless of one’s political stripes, one should be concerned.”

via FCC to police media, question reporters in content survey | The Daily Caller.

Nancy Pelosi still an AssWagon

Nancy Pelosi still insists that Obamacare will improve the lives of average Americans, despite over 20 reports indicating otherwise.

“Because of the law, in the coming months Americans will have expanded choices and more affordable care.” Pelosi said at a recent Capitol Hill briefing. “We will be enhancing patients’ rights, putting money back in the pockets of consumers, reducing costs and strengthening the economic, financial, and health security of working families.”

She goes further to say that Obamacare will even lower the nation’s debt.

“The Affordable Care Act is bringing the cost of health care in our country down in both the public and private sector,” said Pelosi. “And that is what is largely responsible for the deficit coming down.”

But what she doesn’t realize is that her numbers are flawed.

“Despite promises that the law will lower costs, [Obamacare] will in fact cause the premiums of many Americans to spike substantially,” a report released by the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Energy and Commerce concluded. “The broken promises are numerous, and the data reveals that many Americans, from recent college graduates to older adults, will not be able to afford the law’s higher costs.”

The report is based on responses from 17 insurance companies to a letter from Congress asking them to estimate the effects Obamacare would have on premiums and found that individuals in about 90% of all states would likely face “significant premium increases.”

Furthermore, the committee found that some individuals may see premium increases up to 413%.

Editor’s Note: How much extra will you have to pay? To see how much Obamacare will take from your paycheck next year, go here.

On top of higher premiums, Obamacare will create no fewer than twenty new taxes or tax hikes on the American people.

Most of the new taxes go into effect January 1, 2014, but they are already infuriating millions of Americans.

The Obama administration has even given the IRS an extra $500 million to enforce the rules and regulations of Obamacare.

The new taxes don’t bode well for middle-class Americans. Incomes for the rich have soared this decade but middle class workers have seen their wages stagnate and even drop since the 2008 Great Recession.

Many fear Obamacare with its high insurance costs and new taxes, could provide the middle class a fatal blow.

Of course, the Obamacare plan was primarily designed to decrease the number of uninsured Americans and reduce healthcare costs.

Experts are saying it will have the exact opposite effect. In fact, it’s estimated that Obamacare will cost the average taxpayer nearly $6,000 in extra taxes as early as next year.

A McKinsey report now estimates Obamacare will cost taxpayers at least an additional $400 billion more than originally proposed.

And another study done by the Congressional Budget Office estimates that Obamacare won’t actually expand coverage and that the number of uninsured under Obamacare won’t ever fall below 30 million.

Perhaps worse than anything, is that millions of Americans will now lose their full-time jobs.

That’s a big reason why close to two-thirds of the country do not approve of Obamacare, according to recent polls.

Many are still furious over how the Democratically-controlled Congress passed this bill, which many scholars deem unconstitutional.

“Bipartisanship is a two-way street,” Pelosi said before Congress voted on the law. “A bill can be bipartisan without bipartisan votes…We have to pass the bill so you can find out what is in it.”

If Congress had read the bill before passing it they should have noticed one section of the law that says you could get slapped with a $2,000 fine for not having health insurance – even if you do actually have it.

Or another section that says that under Obamacare ordinary Americans will get stuck paying for substance abuse coverage even if they never touched a drink or drug in their life.

Can the U.S. government really put you in jail for not buying health insurance?Go here to see the shocking story.

With the implementation of Obamacare quickly approaching, millions of Americans are asking what they can do to prepare for all the new costs and rules.

One expert, Betsy McCaughey, former Lieutenant Governor of New York and constitutional scholar with a Ph.D. from Columbia University, recently wrote a best-selling book showing Americans how they can survive Obamacare.

McCaughey is one of the only people in the country — including members of Congress – who has actually read the entire 2,572 page law.

Her book, titled Beating Obamacare: Your Handbook for Surviving the New Health Care Lawbreaks down the complicated bill into 168 pages of actionable advice.

The book, written in an easy going, easy to read style, examines the implications of Obamacare not seen in the mainstream press.

“Section 1501 of Obamacare requires nearly everyone to enroll in a one-size fits all, government-designed health insurance plan. For the first time in history, this law empowers the federal government to control how doctors treat privately insured patients,” McCaughey writes. “So even if you have your own private health plan that you paid for yourself, the government will have say over your care.”

She says that higher costs are only one negative of Obamacare. Doctors, nurses and other hospital employees will suffer from the government’s interference in healthcare. This will trickle down to poorer patient care.

What’s more, one third of all U.S. employers could stop offering health insurance to their workers, says McCaughey.

In fact, corporations including GE, IBM, and Time Warner have already said they will stop providing insurance for hundreds of thousands of employees.

McCaughey also exposes several sections of the bill that empower Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius to dictate what doctors can and cannot do.

“Section 4104(a), empowers Sebelius to reduce preventive services for seniors based on the recommendations of the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force,” McCaughey notes. “This is the panel that said women ages forty to forty-nine and older than seventy-four should no longer get routine mammograms.”

And according to McCaughey’s research, senior citizens will get hit the hardest from Obamacare. “If you’re a senior or a baby boomer, expect less care than in the past,” she says. “Hip and knee replacements and cataract surgery will be especially hard to get from Medicare in the months ahead.”

She warns seniors to get some of those types of procedures done now before Obamacare goes into full effect, as Obamacare awards bonus points to hospitals that spend the least on seniors.

Lastly, many will find it difficult to keep their medical records private, according to McCaughey.

“The law will compel Americans to share with millions of strangers who are not physicians confidential private and personal medical history information they do not wish to share”

Editor’s Note: Real facts and figures about the hidden Obamacare taxes and fees and how they will affect everyday Americans and seniors are hard to find. As a courtesy, Money Morning is giving readers a free copy of Betsy McCaughey’s new book Beating Obamacare: Your Handbook for Surviving The New Health Care Law. But only a limited number of copies are available. Please go here to reserve yours today.

The century’s most blatant force of satanic utopianism is communism.

In William F. Buckley’s 1955 mission statement, he wrote,

The most alarming single danger to the American political system lies in the fact that an identifiable team of Fabian operators is bent on controlling both our major political parties(under the sanction of such fatuous and unreasoned slogans as “national unity,” “middle-of-the-road,” “progressivism,” and “bipartisanship.”) Clever intriguers are reshaping both parties in the image of Babbitt, gone Social-Democrat.


Conservatives in this country — at least those who have not made their peace with the New Deal, and there is serious question whether there are others — are non-licensed nonconformists; and this is dangerous business in a Liberal world, as every editor of this magazine can readily show by pointing to his scars. Radical conservatives in this country have an interesting time of it, for when they are not being suppressed or mutilated by the Liberals, they are being ignored or humiliated by a great many of those of the well-fed Right, whose ignorance and amorality have never been exaggerated for the same reason that one cannot exaggerate infinity.


Among our convictions:

  1. It is the job of centralized government (in peacetime) to protect its citizens’ lives, liberty and property. All other activities of government tend to diminish freedom and hamper progress. The growth of government(the dominant social feature of this century) must be fought relentlessly. In this great social conflict of the era, we are, without reservations, on the libertarian side. 
  2. The profound crisis of our era is, in essence, the conflict between the Social Engineers, who seek to adjust mankind to conform with scientific utopias, and the disciples of Truth, who defend the organic moral order. We believe that truth is neither arrived at nor illuminated by monitoring election results, binding though these are for other purposes, but by other means, including a study of human experience. On this point we are, without reservations, on the conservative side. 
  3. The century’s most blatant force of satanic utopianism is communism. We consider “coexistence” with communism neither desirable nor possible, nor honorable; we find ourselves irrevocably at war with communism and shall oppose any substitute for victory. 
  4. The largest cultural menace in America is the conformity of the intellectual cliques which, in education as well as the arts, are out to impose upon the nation their modish fads and fallacies, and have nearly succeeded in doing so. In this cultural issue, we are, without reservations, on the side of excellence (rather than “newness”) and of honest intellectual combat (rather than conformity). 
  5. The most alarming single danger to the American political system lies in the fact that an identifiable team of Fabian operators is bent on controlling both our major political parties(under the sanction of such fatuous and unreasoned slogans as “national unity,” “middle-of-the-road,” “progressivism,” and “bipartisanship.”) Clever intriguers are reshaping both parties in the image of Babbitt, gone Social-Democrat. When and where this political issue arises, we are, without reservations, on the side of the traditional two-party system that fights its feuds in public and honestly; and we shall advocate the restoration of the two-party system at all costs. 
  6. The competitive price system is indispensable to liberty and material progress. It is threatened not only by the growth of Big Brother government, but by the pressure of monopolies(including union monopolies. What is more, some labor unions have clearly identified themselves with doctrinaire socialist objectives. The characteristic problems of harassed business have gone unreported for years, with the result that the public has been taught to assume(almost instinctively) that conflicts between labor and management are generally traceable to greed and intransigence on the part of management. Sometimes they are; often they are not. NATIONAL REVIEW will explore and oppose the inroads upon the market economy caused by monopolies in general, and politically oriented unionism in particular; and it will tell the violated businessman’s side of the story. 
  7. No superstition has more effectively bewitched America’s Liberal elite than the fashionable concepts of world government, the United Nations, internationalism, international atomic pools, etc. Perhaps the most important and readily demonstrable lesson of history is that freedom goes hand in hand with a state of political decentralization, that remote government is irresponsible government. It would make greater sense to grant independence to each of our 50 states than to surrender U.S. sovereignty to a world organization.

Glen Beck? that hateful, nasty racist!

I like Mike even more NOW

Shannon K. Walsh wrote, “Mike – How could you associate with such a horrible and psychotic person that is Glen Beck? I wouldn’t accept a dime off that hateful, nasty racist. Very disappointed to see this post.”

Well, hi there, Shannon – and a pleasant good morning to you too!

If you want a detailed answer to your question, please take a moment to read my earlier reply to Bob Reidel, another crestfallen soul who couldn’t reconcile my association with a TV host that he personally despised. As you read it (out loud, if possible, and in a public place), kindly replace the words “Bob Reidel” with “Shannon K. Walsh,” and “Bill Maher” with “Glenn Beck.” But prepare yourself – you might be forced to conclude that my true objective here has little to do with winning or losing your approval.

It’s here:

As for your personal characterization of Glenn Beck, I can only assume you have information not available to me. In my time with him, I saw nothing “horrible, psychotic, hateful, or nasty.” I smelled no burning sulphur, no smoldering brimstone, and saw no sign of cloven hooves.

To the contrary, I found a very passionate guy who employs about 300 people, works his butt off, and puts his money where his mouth is. Do we agree on everything? Of course not. Am I “disappointed” by that fact? Not at all. The real question, Shannon, is … why are you?

To be clear, I’m not here to tell you what to think or whom to hate. Like everyone else, you’re free to pick your devils, choose your angels, and attach the horns and halos accordingly.

But the guts of your question – even without all the name-calling and acrimony – reveal the essence of what’s broken in our country. You want to know “how I can associate” with someone you don’t like? The short answer is, how can I not? How are we ever going to accomplish anything in this incredibly divisive time if we associate only with people that we don’t disagree with?


PS. Not only did Glenn hand me a check for $25,000 made out to the mikeroweWORKS scholarship fund, he invited me to shoot a few PSAs on his set and offered to air them on his network for free. You know how many other networks have offered to do that? Not one. In addition, his viewers have purchased hundreds and hundreds of Work Smart AND Hard posters. I’m already getting photos of them hanging in high schools across the country. Glenn also signed one, and took some artistic license on my face. Which made me laugh. We’ll auction that off on a future episode of C.R.A.P., and my guess is we’ll raise a pretty penny.

PPS Penn Jillette is an avowed atheist. Glenn Beck is a deeply religious Christian. They disagree on a lot, but speak often on Glenn’s show, and have some of the most respectful and interesting exchanges on television today. Here’s an example:

I’ve been on every network over the years, more than once, and I’ll promise you this – if you want the potential for a thoughtful exchange that’s not crammed into a five-minute segment, your options are limited.

Real Time is one possibility. Glenn Beck is another. I’m glad to have done both.

— with Bill Maher and Glenn Beck.

[Bob Reidel: “Mike – Saw you hangin with Bill Maher. I had no idea you were a liberal. Really blew me away. Love everything you do but now that I know who you really are, I won’t be tuning in to watch anything your involved with.”]

Well, hi there, Bob. How’s it going? Since your comment is not the only one of its kind, I thought I’d take a moment to address it.

Bill Maher is opinionated, polarizing and controversial. I get it. So is Bill O’Reilly, which is probably why I heard the same comments after I did his show. (“How could you Mike? How could you?”)

Truth is, every time I go on Fox, my liberal friends squeal. And every time I show up on MSNBC, my conservative pals whine. Not because they disagree with my position – everyone agrees that closing the skills gap is something that needs to happen. No, these days, people get bent simply if I appear on shows they don’t like, or sit too close to people they don’t care for.

What’s up with that? Is our country so divided that my mere proximity to the “other side” prompts otherwise sensible adults to scoop up their marbles and go home?

Back in 2008, I wrote an open letter to President Obama, offering to help him promote those 3 million “shovel-ready” jobs he promised to create during his campaign. (I suspected they might be a tough sell, given our country’s current relationship with the shovel.) Within hours, hundreds of conservatives accused me of “engaging with a socialist,” and threatened to stop watching Dirty Jobs with Mike Rowe if I didn’t come to my senses.

When I made the same offer to Mitt Romney (who actually responded), thousands of liberals chastised me for “engaging with a greedy capitalist,” and threatened to stop watching Dirty Jobs if I didn’t take it back.

You may ask, “But what did these people think about the issue at hand?” Who knows? They were too busy being outraged by my proximity to the devil. (Poor Ed Shultz at MSNBC nearly burst into tears. “You were on the wrong stage, Mike! The wrong stage!! With the wrong candidate!!!”)


Here’s the thing, Bob – Profoundly Disconnected ( is not a PR campaign for Mike Rowe. It’s a PR campaign for skilled labor and alternative education. PR campaigns need … that’s right, PR, and if I limit my appearances to those shows that I personally watch, hosted only by those personalities with whom I personally agree, I might as well start a church and preach to the choir.

Point is, I didn’t go on Real Time to endorse BM, and I didn’t go on The Factor to endorse BO. I went on because millions of people watch those shows. I approached our liberal president for the same reason. Likewise, his conservative opponent. And I showed up on Sesame Street with the same agenda that I took to Congress.

Closing the skills gap is bigger than you or me or any particular venue, and Real Time gave me an opportunity to reach 5 million people. I’m grateful for that, and I’ll do it again if they want me back.

As for Bill Maher off-camera, you’ll be pleased to know that the guy was a perfect gentleman. His staff is excellent, and his after-party included an open bar with a spread I’ve never seen in such a setting. Bill took the time to hang out with his guests and their friends after the show, chatting about this and that for over an hour, and taking pictures with anyone who wanted one. Trust me, that’s rare.

Yes, he’s outrageous, inflammatory, and to many, a jagged little pill. But he’s also gracious, generous, engaging, and taller than he appears on TV.

Which, frankly, surprised me.

Posted in Glenn Beck, Obama| Tagged , |

Best Blaze Comment

In story on the blaze about A Halloween costume the comments are full of hate from the loser left but in there is a nugget of pure gold that is sure to really get the libtards in a wad.

endgamerOct. 27, 2013 at 7:54pm

So what? I was an abortion that came back! Wore an oversized diaper, covered myself with blood and had a coat hanger through my head… I also wrote “I want my mommy” on my chest in blood… Won hundreds at the bars on Halloween!

via ‘F**king Hilarious’?: Two Costumes You Won’t Likely See on Halloween Night (But There’s Always Facebook) |




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Kerry Says World Leaders Mocked Him

Kerry Says World Leaders Mocked Him Over Shutdown

Im sure it’s not over the shutdown John it’s that they’ve seen The Addams Family and their making jokes behind your back or to your face as i would. 

download (2)images (3) 









Just how bad was the shutdown for America’s image on the world stage? So bad, says Secretary of State John Kerry, that foreign officials joked about buying him meals.

“I have seen how our allies, our partners and those who wish to challenge us or to do us harm are all sizing us up every day,” Kerry said at an event hosted by Center for American Progress, a liberal think tank. “What we do in Washington matters deeply…that’s why a self-inflicted wound like the shutdown can never happen again.”

Kerry added that the shutdown delayed security aid to Israel. “The dysfunction and the shutdown and the simplistic dialogue that came with it didn’t impress anyone,” he said.

The federal government was mostly shuttered for 16 days after House Republicans refused to sign off on a budget unless it stripped away funding for President Obama’s health care law. The impasse was condemned repeatedly by the Democratic leaders and progressive policymakers at the conference.

“I do love this country, damnit, and this country is in deep trouble,” declared former Vice President Al Gore. “What happened down there on Capitol Hill was pathetic.”

The shutdown sent the GOP’s approval ratings spiraling downward, leading some Democrats to think they might be able to take over the House in the 2014 mid-term election. “If they stay on course Democrats have a good chance,” said Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, a former congressman who led the Democratic Party’s House campaign committee. “If they reverse course than it’s a district by district scenario.

Gerrymandering by GOP-led state legislatures, however, have left few competitive seats. “This is a map that the Republicans designed nationwide,” Emanuel said. “If you want to win it back, you have to pick the lock nationwide.”

#obamacare funny stuff on healthcaredotgov

  • Health Insurance Blog

    We’re listening — and improving every day

    I can see my health care plan options now, but there’s no way to see any kind of detail about them. How can anybody make a decision based on the name of the plan and the price? There are specific things I need to have covered and I can’t make a decision without more information.

    • I could not agree with you more LOL Its kinda like buying a car or a house without so much as a picture to go by and just hoping it will be decent once you’ve bought it..I really hope they fix that.

    • You can’t. They aren’t telling the truth in this blog.

  • Why can’t I see the deductibles?

    • They might scare you

      • Hard-working Americans are doomed under this ACA mess. We desperately need to return to our heritage– a freedom-loving country where results are rewarded. Obamacare, simply put, redistributes income, stealing from some to give to others. Premiums for many of those not qualified for handouts (“subsidies”) have already skyrocketed–and will only get worse. People are forced to buy coverage that they don’t even need–e.g., a single man does not need maternity care– and others are compelled to pay for coverage that violates deeply held convictions (e.g., morning-after pill). Meanwhile, Congress has exempted some (including themselves!) from ACA provisions. ACA is unfair, against American principles, and end harmful for us all. We must elect those who will rid us of this awful law, and bring us away from the brink of falling down the slope toward socialism and a full-fledged nanny state. We are trillions in debt, and must change course to restore America to the prosperous, self-sufficent, exceptional and free nation that our founding fathers established and many have died for.

  • Thanks for the update. Should I keep trying to get through online? Or are you saying it’s time to give up on that and call?

    • If you are not in a huge hurry, just wait and try again around Nov 15. If you are, try signing up on the phone or in person. 1-800-318-2596. You can find in-person locations at

      • Sounds good! Will try around Nov. 15. Sincere thanks for your response!

  • Is there a way for me to find out which would be more cost effective; signing up for ObamaCare or expatriating to China?

    • Expatriating to China

    • You can go to China anytime.

    • China, because at least in china they aren’t trying to get rid of their healthcare market. China is not trying to get rid of Capitalism. They are embracing it.

    • Regardless, I think America would be a little better off with you in China. If you love your country, do move out!

    • Costa rica is a better option. I am actually being serious. The cost would be less than your deductable

  • I can finally get through to the application process and now I am getting stuck on the “Are you enrolled full time in school?” and then if yes it asks “Do you have a parent or guardian living in the state you attend school?” I click yes and the green save and submit button does not work. I click it, hit enter, I have tried everything and nothing on the page indicates it is loading anything it just does nothing. I have tried to “chat” about this issue and have been told that it is due to traffic. I beg to differ, because I have successfully gotten through the whole application up until that point at least 10 times and all during different times of the day as directed by the agent. It is a glitch and has not been fixed for at least two weeks now. It would be nice to be able to move on from that question at least. End rant.


    Not sure what you’re paying your chat agents, but save tax payer dollars by getting rid of them. I have used chat twice. Both times I was given multiple pieces of inaccurate information and it was clear the agents didn’t have a clue what they were talking about. Eventually, after wasting 10 -15 minutes of my time, they told me to call for support. This is shameless.


    I don’t want to register before I shop.!!!!!!! THAT IS A PERFECTLY REASONABLE EXPECTATION¡”!!!””””””


    There is not any information as to what providers accept these plans, deductibles, copays, etc. How can anyone even begin to make an informed decision. This idea is of showing the plans seems as if something is trying to be kept from people that may want to sign up. So all of this information should be available now, long before we share our information. So show us today.


    You can contact the insurance company offering the plan to find out what providers are in their network, just like you would if you were buying it the old fashioned way, i.e. last year. Hopefully that info will be included online soon, however.


    What a mess! What a waste of taxpayer money! What a waste of my money! Gotta love the Affordable Health Care Act! Looks like it tripled my monthly health premium


    I make about $60,000.00 per year and I’m self employed. I pay the additional self-employment tax. So after a mortgage that cost me about $27,000.00 per year, auto $4,000.00 per year, taxes $18,000.00 per year, insurances, water and power, food, approximately $15,000.00 per year. And then there’s miscellaneous, repairs, home maintenance, etc. Do the math. I can’t afford another 5 or 6 grand a year. I earn too much to get assistance and not enough to afford it. What are my choices. Get poor real soon. Take on yet another job and I have no time for that or fall off the grid. I guess the choice will be made for me. Thanks! And I voted for Obama. I understand the intent but it doesn’t take into consideration human behavior. It’s just insane!

#obmamcare Putting the Brakes on Unreasonable Health Insurance Rate Increases NOT!

Who in the government is going to put the brakes on Obamacare’s
Unreasonable Insurance Rate

Learn about…
New Consumer Protections Under the Affordable
Care Act
Putting the Brakes on Unreasonable Health
Insurance Rate Increases

A new Rate Review program requires that when an insurer proposes to increase your insurance rate by 10% or more, this increase must be disclosed and justified to the public and thoroughly reviewed by State
or Federal regulators.  the Federal government will conduct the review. The review findings will be made public on for all reviews.

i looked but could not find the info they say is on the website i guess its just another glitch.

no need to read on it’s all gov BS from here

Read more below and at
How does the “Rate Review”
program discourage unreasonable
rate increases?
The Rate Review program discourages
rate hikes by ensuring that proposed
increases of 10% or more get close
scrutiny from the public and State or
Federal regulators. Starting on
September 1, 2011, if your insurer
proposes a rate hike of this size, it must
give your State insurance regulator and
the Federal government:
• Advance notice of the proposed
• An explanation of why it believes
the rate hike is necessary; and
• Additional information about its
business, such as:
o The number and size of
benefit claims it has paid;
o Its history of premium
increases; and
o Its projected medical and
administrative costs.

You’ll be able to review this information
on your State insurance regulator’s
public website and on, a public website
for consumers. You’ll also have an
opportunity to

Does the Rate Review program apply
to my health insurance policy?
The law applies to all health insurers
who sell policies to individuals and small
businesses, but not to large employer
group plans and “self-insured plans.”
Also, if your health insurance policy or
plan existed on March 23, 2010, it may
be considered a “grandfathered health
plan.” Grandfathered health plans are
exempt from the Rate Review
Consumer Tip: If you’re not sure
whether the Rate Review program
applies to your health insurance plan,
you can check with your employer or
insurer. Your State may also have a
Consumer Assistance Program that can
help. Find out more at
What size rate increase requires
For rate increases proposed on or after
September 1, 2011, States (or, in some
cases, the Federal government) will
review average rate increases of 10% or
higher to see if they are unreasonable.
An average 10 % increase means that
some enrollees may experience rate
increases higher or lower than 10%.
Starting September 1, 2012, the 10%
threshold may change for some States,
based on State trends in health
insurance premiums and health care
costs. Many states review all proposed
increases, regardless of the size.
Who reviews the proposed rate
States conduct the reviews, if their
review process meets national
standards for effectiveness. If a State
lacks the resources or authority to do an
effective review, the Federal
government will conduct the review.
The review findings will be made public
on for all reviews.
You can find out whether your state is
conducting the reviews or the federal
government on
What makes a rate increase
A Rate Review program could find that a
premium hike is unreasonable if, for
example, the premium hike:
• Makes the health benefits a poor
value for the money;
• Is based on faulty assumptions or
incomplete information; or
• Charges different prices to
people who pose similar cost
risks to the insurer.
What happens if the rate increase is
found to be unreasonable?
The Federal government will post that
finding on
If your insurer decides to increase rates
that are found to be unreasonable, it
must post both its explanation for the
rate increase and the findings of the
Rate Review program on its website for
three years. The Federal government

#obamacare HHS Public Affairs Contacts

HHS Public Affairs Contacts


If you are a reporter looking for information about the Affordable Care Act and the Health Insurance Marketplaces:

  1. First try the All Topics section on, which has comprehensive information about the Health Insurance Marketplace here.
  2. Email our media team here. If you have already contacted CMS’ media relations team, then HHS already has your request, and there is no need to email both agencies. Please be as specific as possible about your request and deadline.

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(202) 690-5852

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The Kaiser Family Foundation health insurance cost and savings calculator

The health insurance costs and savings calculator provides only an estimate. Your final premiums and costs may differ from the estimates, perhaps significantly, depending on the coverage you select and a given insurer’s pricing policies. You’ll learn your final costs for specific plans only when you fill out an application in the Health Insurance Marketplace.

Here are a few important things to know:

  • The calculator provides a rough estimate of costs for insurance. It will give you an idea of what someone with circumstances like yours could pay for Marketplace insurance in 2014.
  • The calculator accounts for some of the most important factors that affect plan costs in the Marketplace: where you live, family size and ages, and tobacco use. Individual plans weigh these factors differently to set final prices.
  • The prices are based on a plan in the Silver category. Plans in different categorieswill likely have higher or lower premiums.
  • You won’t be able to get your exact costs for a specific plan until you fill out a Marketplace application and provide details about your income and household. Then you’ll see all of the plans available to you, compare features and prices side-by-side, choose a plan, and enroll.

Subsidy NOT COST Calculator

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#obamacare How can I get lower costs on Marketplace coverage? You Can’t.

How can I get lower costs on Marketplace coverage?


When you use the Health Insurance Marketplace you may be able to get lower costs on monthly premiums or out-of-pocket costs, or get free or low-cost coverage.

3 ways to save on health care coverage

You can save money in the Health Insurance Marketplace 3 ways. All of them depend on your income and family size.

  1. You may be able to lower costs on your monthly premiums when you enroll in a private health insurance plan. These plans all cover essential health benefits andpre-existing conditions.
  2. You may qualify for lower out-of-pocket costs for copaymentscoinsurance, anddeductibles.
  3. You or your child may get free or low-cost coverage through Medicaid or theChildren’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). Some states will be expanding Medicaid eligibility in 2014, so you may qualify even if you have been turned down for Medicaid in the past.

You can apply any time during open enrollment, which began October 1 and continues through the end of March. You’ll find out what plans and premiums are available to you and see how much you will save. Most people who apply will qualify for lower costs of some kind. Coverage can begin as soon as January 1, 2014.

Get an estimate of your costs and savings

You can get a rough estimate of your potential costs and savings by browsing plans and sample prices in your area or by using the Kaiser Family Foundation calculator.

Questions? Call 1-800-318-2596, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. (TTY: 1-855-889-4325)

What if I can’t afford insurance?

When you fill out a Marketplace health insurance application, you’ll find out whether you can get lower costs on your monthly premium or out-of-pocket costs. This may make insurance more affordable than you think.

Depending on your income, you may be able to get free or low-cost coverage through Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). Medicaid is expanding in many states in 2014, meaning you may qualify in 2014 even if you haven’t qualified in the past. When you apply, the Marketplace will tell you if you qualify under your state’s rules.

In the meantime, you or your child may qualify now for free or low cost health coverage through Medicaid and/or CHIP.

When you apply for coverage, the Marketplace will determine whether coverage is affordable for your income level. If coverage is not considered affordable to you, you will not have to pay the fee that other people who do not have coverage may face.

If you have no insurance, you can use a community health center in your area to get health care.

#obamacare Marketplace Application Checklist

Marketplace Application Checklist

When you apply for coverage in the Health Insurance Marketplace, you’ll need to provide some

information about you and your household, including income, any insurance you currently have, and

some additional items.

Use the checklist below to help you gather what you need to apply for coverage. Open enrollment

starts October 1, 2013 for coverage starting as early as January 1, 2014. Open enrollment ends

March 31, 2014.

Social Security Numbers (or document numbers for legal immigrants)

Employer and income information for every member of your

household who needs coverage (for example, from pay stubs or W-2

forms—Wage and Tax Statements)

Policy numbers for any current health insurance plans covering

members of your household

A completed Employer Coverage Tool (see page 2 of this checklist)

for every job-based plan you or someone in your household is eligible

for. (You’ll need to fill out this form even for coverage you’re eligible

for but don’t enroll in.)

Stay up-to-date about the Marketplace. Visit to get email or text

updates that will help you get ready to apply.Form Approved EMPLOYER COVERAGE TOOL OMB No. 0938-1191

Use this tool to gather answers about any employer health coverage that you’re eligible for (even if it’s from another person’s

job, like a parent or spouse). You’ll need this information even if you don’t accept the employer insurance you’re eligible for.



EMPLOYEE information

The employee needs to fill out this section.

1. Employee name (First, Middle, Last) 2. Social Security Number

– –


EMPLOYER information

Ask the employer for this information.

3. Employer name 4. Employer Identification Number (EIN)

5. Employer address (the Marketplace will send notices to this address) 6. Employer phone number

( ) –

7. City 8. State 9. ZIP code

10. Who can we contact about employee health coverage at this job?

11. Phone number (if different from above)

( ) –

12. Email address


Yes (Go to question 13a.)

13a. If the employee is not eligible today, including as a result of a waiting or probationary period, when is the employee eligible for

coverage? (mm/dd/yyyy) (Go to next question)

No (STOP and return this form to employee)

Tell us about the health plan offered by this employer.

Does the employer offer a health plan that covers an employee’s spouse or dependent?

Yes. Which people? Spouse Dependent(s)


(Go to question 14)

14. Does the employer offer a health plan that meets the minimum value standard*?

Yes (Go to question 15) No (STOP and return this form to employee)

15. For the lowest-cost plan that meets the minimum value standard* offered only to the employee (don’t include family plans): If the

employer has wellness programs, provide the premium that the employee would pay if he/she received the maximum discount for any

tobacco cessation programs, and didn’t receive any other discounts based on wellness programs.

a. How much would the employee have to pay in premiums for this plan? $

b. How often? Weekly Every 2 weeks Twice a month Once a month Quarterly Yearly (Go to next question)

If the plan year will end soon and you know that the health plans offered will change, go to question 16. If you don’t know, STOP and return

this form to employee.

16. What change will the employer make for the new plan year?

Employer won’t offer health coverage

Employer will start offering health coverage to employees or change the premium for the lowest-cost plan that meets the minimum

value standard* and is available to the employee only. (Premium should reflect the discount for wellness programs. See question 15.)

a. How much will the employee have to pay in premiums for that plan? $

b. How often? Weekly Every 2 weeks Twice a month Once a month Quarterly Yearly

Date of change (mm/dd/yyyy):

*An employer-sponsored health plan meets the “minimum value standard” if the plan’s share of the total allowed benefit costs covered by the plan is no less than

60 percent of such costs (Section 36B(c)(2)(C)(ii) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986).

NEED HELP WITH YOUR APPLICATION? Visit or call the Marketplace Call Center at 1-800-318-2596. Para obtener una

copia de este formulario en Español, llame 1-800-318-2596. If you need help in a language other than English, call 1-800-318-2596 and tell the

customer service representative the language you need. We’ll get you help at no cost to you. TTY users should call 1-855-889-4325.

The D.C. Gun Raid You Won’t Believe with an Ending You Might Not Be Able to Stomach |


Oct. 24, 2013 9:26am Dave Urbanski


When more than 30 police officers in full tactical gear descended upon the house of a successful Washington, D.C., businessman with no criminal record last summer, they were looking for “firearms and ammunition … gun cleaning equipment, holsters, bullet holders and ammunition receipts,” The Washington Times reported.

Mark Witaschek. (Image source: The Washington Times)

But what did police find after they shut down the streets for blocks around Mark Witaschek’s Georgetown home, broke down a bathroom door with a battering ram and pulled his 16-year-old son out of the shower naked, pointed guns at the heads of Witaschek and his girlfriend, handcuffed them and then “tossed the place” for two hours?

Very little, according to the Times’ Emily Miller:

“One live round of 12-gauge shotgun ammunition” — actually an inoperable shell that misfired during a hunt years earlier that Witaschek kept as a souvenir.

“One handgun holster” — perfectly legal.

“One expended round of .270 caliber ammunition” — a spent brass casing.

“One box of Knight bullets for reloading,” according to police notation on the warrant. Except, Miller reveals, they aren’t for reloading — they’re for antique-replica, single-shot, muzzle-loading rifles.

And after all that, in the wake of a raid which Witaschek estimates resulted in $10,000 damage to his house, he faces two years in prison for possession of unregistered ammunition, the Times reported.

D.C. law requires residents to register every firearm with police, and only registered gun owners can possess ammunition, which includes spent shells and casings. The maximum penalty for violating these laws is a $1,000 fine and a year in jail, the Times noted.

While Witaschek has never had a firearm in Washington, D.C., Miller wrote that he’s being “prosecuted to the full extent of the law.” The trial starts Nov. 4.

More from the Times:

This was the second police search of his home. Exactly one month earlier, Witaschek allowed members of the “Gun Recovery Unit” access to search without a warrant because he thought he had nothing to hide.

After about an hour and a half, the police found one box of Winchester .40 caliber ammunition, one gun-cleaning kit (fully legal) and a Civil War-era Colt antique revolver that Witaschek kept on his office desk. The police seized the Colt even though antique firearms are legal and do not have to be registered.

Witaschek is a gun owner and an avid hunter. However, he stores his firearms at the home of his sister, Sylvia Witaschek, in suburban Arlington, Va.

Two weeks after the June raid, D.C. police investigators went to his sister’s house — unaccompanied by Virginia police and without a warrant — and asked to “view” the firearms, according to a police report. She refused. The next day, the D.C. police returned to her house with the Arlington County police and served her with a criminal subpoena.

The Office of Attorney General of the District of Columbia Irvin Nathan signed an affidavit on Aug. 21, 2012, in support of a warrant to arrest Witaschek. A spokesman for Nathan would not comment on a pending case. […]

In September 2012, the attorney general offered Witaschek a deal to plead guilty to one charge of unlawful possession of ammunition with a penalty of a year of probation, a $500 fine and a contribution to a victims’ fund.

Witaschek turned down the offer. “It’s the principle,” he told me.

via The D.C. Gun Raid You Won’t Believe with an Ending You Might Not Be Able to Stomach |

Profoundly Disconnected: mikeroweWORKS

The mikeroweWORKS Foundation is concerned with promoting hard work and supporting the skilled trades in a variety of areas. Primarily, we award scholarships to young men and women who have illustrated both an interest and an aptitude around mastering a specific trade. Qualified candidates include those students who want to advance their education through an accredited trade school or apprenticeship program, exhibit high work ethic and need financial assistance.

Most recently, the Foundation has created more than $1.6 million in education scholarships with schools around the country, including Midwest Technical Institute and Tulsa Welding School. Click on “The Next Big Thing” for the latest news.

Additionally, the Foundation supports SkillsUSA by covering travel costs for competing students who could otherwise not afford to attend. We also provide tool stipends for top students that have graduated from accredited AED schools.

The mikeroweWORKS Foundation is supported by donations from individuals and corporations, as well as a variety of fundraisers and sweepstakes. To date, we’ve raised over a million dollars, and hope to distribute much more in the near future.

via About the Foundation « Profoundly Disconnected.

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