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Dead Baby #JokesAtWendyDavisTexas

BrYxxzvCQAIPmz3Dead Baby Jokes Over heard at the #TeamWendy party for @WendyDavisTexas


  1. What is funnier than a dead baby?
    A dead baby in a clown costume.
  2. What is the difference between a baby and a onion?
    No one cries when you chop up the baby.
  3. What is the difference between a dead baby and a water melon?
    One’s fun to hit with a sledge hammer, the other one’s a water melon.
  4. What is the difference between a baby and a dart-board?
    Dart-boards don’t bleed.
  5. What is the difference between a baby and a mars bar?
    About 500 calories.
    download (1)
  6. Why did the family take the dead baby along on the cookout?
    So they could light it and toast their marshmallows.
  7. Why was the dead baby kept in the kitchen drawer?
    The family used it to crack nuts.
  8. Why do people keep dead babies in the rec. room?
    They cut off one leg and use it as a ping pong paddle.
  9. Why do you put babies into blenders feet first?
    So you can see the expression on their faces.
  10. Why do they boil water when a baby is being born?
    So that if its born dead they can make soup.
  11. Why did the baby cross the road?
    It was stapled to the chicken.
  12. How many babies does it take to make a bottle of baby oil?
    It depends on how hard you squeeze them.
  13. How many babies fit in a blender?
    Depends on how powerful the blender is.
  14. How do you know when a baby is dead?
    It doesn’t cry if you nail its feet to the ceilingimages (1)
  15. How do you find the live baby in a pile of dead ones?
    Jab ’em all with a pitchfork.
  16. How do you save a drowning baby?
    Harpoon it.
  17. How do you turn a baby into a dog?
    Pour gas over it and light a match. Woof.
  18. How do you turn a baby into a cat?
    Freeze it solid, then run it through a bandsaw. Meeow.
  19. How do you get 100 babies into a bucket?
    With a blender.
    How do you get them out again?
    With Doritos.
  20. How do you make a dead baby float?
    Take your foot off its head.
    A glass of soda water and 2 scoops of baby.
  21. What do you call two abortions in a bucket?
    Blood brothers.
  22. What is red and is creeping up your leg?
    An abortion with homesickness.
  23. What is a foot long and can make a woman scream?
  24. What is a foot long, blue, and makes women scream in the morning?
    Crib death.Wendy_Davis_Shoes-240x361
  25. What do you call a dead baby pinned to your wall?
  26. What is red, bubbly, and scratches at the window before exploding?
    A baby in a microwave.
  27. What is blue and yellow and sits at the bottom of the pool?
    Baby with slashed floaties.
  28. What is red and yellow and floats at the top of the pool?
    Floaties with a slashed baby.
  29. What is red and hangs around trees?
    A baby hit by a snow blower.
  30. What is green and hangs around trees?
    Same baby 3 weeks later.
  31. What is pink and red and silver and crawls into walls?
    A baby with forks in its eyes.
  32. What is pink and goes black with a “hiss.”?
    A baby thrown into a furnace.
  33. What is brown and gurgles?
    A baby in a casserole.
  34. What is purple, covered in pus, and squeals?
    A peeled baby in a bag of salt.
  35. What is black and goes up and down?
    A baby in a toaster.
  36. What is red and hangs out of the back of a train?
    A miscarriage.
  37. What is red and goes round and round?
    A baby in a garbage disposal.
  38. What is red and swings back and forth?
    A baby on a meat hook.
  39. What is red, screams, and goes around in circles?
    A baby nailed to the floor.
  40. What is red and sits in the corner?
    A baby with razor blades.
  41. What is blue and sits in the corner?
    A baby in a baggie.
  42. What is black and sits in a corner?
    A baby with it’s finger in a power socket.
  43. What is green and sits in the corner?
    Same baby two weeks later.
  44. What is black and charred?
    A baby chewing on an extension cord.
  45. What is black and white, runs around the room, and smokes?
    A baby with his hair on fire.liberalism
  46. What is blue and flies around the room at high speeds?
    A baby with a punctured lung.
  47. What is cold, blue and doesn’t move?
    A baby in your freezer.
  48. What is pink, flies and squeals?
    A baby fired from a catapult.
    What do you call the baby when it lands?
    Free pizza.
  49. What is red and has more brains than the baby you just shot?
    The wall behind it.
  50. What is white and glows pink?
    A dead baby with an electrode up its ass.
  51. What is more fun than nailing a baby to a wall?
    Ripping it off again.
  52. What is more fun than throwing a baby off the cliff?
    Catching it with a pitchfork.
  53. What is more fun than swinging babies around on a clothesline?
    Stopping them with a shovel.
  54. What is more fun than shoveling dead babies off your porch?
    Doing it with a snow blower.
  55. What sits in the kitchen and keeps getting smaller and smaller?
    A baby combing it’s hair with a potato peeler.
  56. What bounces up and down at 100mph?
    A baby tied to the back of a truck.
  57. What goes plop, plop, fizz, fizz?
    Twins in an acid bath.
  58. What is red and pink and can’t turn round in a corridor?
    A baby with a javelin through its throat.
  59. What is little and can’t fit through a door?
    A baby with a spear in its head.
  60. What is the definition of fun?
    Playing fetch with a pitbull and a baby.
  61. What has 4 legs and one arm?
    A doberman on a children’s playground.
  62. What has 10 arms and blood all over it?
    A pitbull in front of a pile of dead babies.
  63. What is red and pink and hanging out of your dog’s mouth?
    Your baby’s leg.
  64. What present do you get for a dead baby?
    A dead puppy.
  65. What is grosser than ten dead babies nailed to a tree?
    One dead baby nailed to ten trees.
  66. What is worse than a dead baby in a trash can?
    100 dead babies in a trash can.
    What is worse than that?
    There’s a live one at the bottom.
    What is worse than that?
    It eats its way out.
    What is worse than that?
    It comes back for seconds.
  67. Know what’s gross?
    Running over a baby with a truck.
    Know whats worse?
    Skidding on it.
    Worse than that?
    Peeling it off the tires.
  68. What is the worst part about killing a baby?
    Getting blood on your clown suit.obama-baby-killer

Temporary Restraining Order Against BATFE – Ares Armor

Temporary Restraining Order Against BATFE – Ares Armor.

Temporary Restraining Order Against BATFE

Temporary Restraining Order Against BATFE

Published: 03/12/2014 03:54:44 PM



Lycurgan, Inc. Ares Armor

208 N Freeman St

Oceanside, CA 92054

TO: Whom It May Concern

FROM: Dimitrios Karras, CEO Ares Armor

SUBJ: Temporary Restraining Order Against BATFE

DATE: March 12, 2014

Sir or Ma’am,

Last week the BATFE Raided EP Armory based on a determination letter that had deemed the 80% Polymer product to be a firearm.  The determination letter that the BATFE used to obtain warrants against EP Armory is based on incorrect information about the manufacturing process.  The BATFE has been notified of their error and the incorrectness of their determination based on this error.

This week on Monday, March 10th the BATFE threatened to raid us even though they are fully aware that their determination letter is factually incorrect. They requested that we turn over a list of every customer that had purchased a polymer lower from us and turn over the remaining inventory that we have.

Our customer’s privacy is of the utmost importance to us. I cannot in good moral conscience turn over a list of names to the BATFE just because they unduly threaten us with an unjust raid based on information they KNOW TO BE FALSE!

For the time we are SAFE! We were granted a Temporary Restraining Order against the BATFE on March 11th. The following is the declaration that I made during the process of obtaining this TRO:

Declaration of Dimitrios Karras, CEO Ares Armor

In regards to the events surrounding Ares Armor’s interaction with EP Armory’s products and the threats made towards Ares Armor by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (BATFE.) The following declarations are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

I, Dimitrios Karras, state:

1. During a meeting with the BATFE around the end of 2012 that was unrelated to EP Armory’s product, the Agent that was present very strongly requested that I turn over Ares Armor’s customer list. He intimidated me with the possibility of criminal charges if he was not satisfied. This was the first attempt the BATFE made to intimidate Ares Armor into turning over private customer information.

2. An 80% lower is an industry term for an unfinished receiver that is not considered to be a firearm.

3. EP Armory manufactures an 80% lower receiver made from polymer.

4. Ares Armor purchases and then resells many products one of which is the 80% Polymer Lowers that are made by EP Armory.

5. In the regular course of business I have seen many different 80%” title=”View all articles about AR here”>AR-15 receivers.

6. EP Armory’s product is no different than standard 80% receivers that are sold openly and that the BATFE has consistently determined to not be a firearm. EP Armory’s product is in compliance with previous BATFE Determinations and is not a firearm.

7. The BATFE has Raided EP Armory based on incorrect information about EP Armory’s manufacturing process. The determination letter written by the BATFE incorrectly classified the EP Armory product as a firearm based on faulty information. The BATFE was under the impression that EP Armory was making a firearm and then reverting back to the 80% stage by filling in the fire-control cavity. At no point during the manufacturing process by EP Armory is a weapon made and then reverted. The solid fire-control cavity is built first and the rest of the 80% casting is made around this “core” specifically so that their product at no time could be considered to be a firearm.

a. As can be seen in Exhibit 1-3. The BATFE has consistently determined that the machining operations that cannot be performed in order to not be considered a firearm are as follows:

1. Milling out of fire-control cavity.

2. Selector-lever hole drilled.

3. Cutting of trigger slot.

4. Drilling of trigger pin hole.

5. Drilling of hammer pin hole.

b. EP Armory’s product is consistent with the BATFE’s many previous determinations.
c. At no time during EP Armory’s manufacturing process are any of the aforementioned 5 operations in a state that could cause a reasonable person to believe that EP Armory’s product would be considered a firearm.

8. The BATFE has been appropriately informed of their mistake. However, even though they have no determination that is based on fact, they are knowingly using their fiction based determination to intimidate Ares Armor with threats in order to inappropriately gain access to information that is private and should be protected.

9. I received communication on or about 3/10/2014 from our legal counsel (Jason Davis) that the BATFE was in the process of obtaining a warrant against Ares Armor based on their incorrect determination of EP Armory’s Product. I was advised that the BATFE had offered to forego obtaining a warrant if Ares Armor was willing to:

a. Hand over all of EP Armory’s 80% Lowers.
b. Turn over Ares Armor customer’s private information to the BATFE.

In exchange for turning over our customer’s private information the BATFE said that they would not “raid” Ares Armor’s facilities and would not pursue “criminal” charges. This made me feel as if I was being extorted. I agreed to their terms in order to delay an impending and unjust raid against Ares Armor long enough to obtain legal protection under the law.

10. I have been unjustly threatened with raids and criminal charges in an attempt by the BATFE to obtain information that is private and protected. The BATFE has expressed interest in obtaining Ares Armor’s customer list in the past and is now attempting to strong-arm us with undue threats based on information they know to be incorrect.

11. I am now in constant fear for the safety of my employees, my customers and myself.

Executed March 10, 2014 Oceanside, CA

I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.

Dimitrios Karras


Dimitrios Karras, CEO Ares Armor

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Posted in Government, crime, Democrat, federal, gun laws| Tagged , , , |

The most important article you will read: What to do after a defensive shooting | The Daily Caller

By Dan Meadows, The Shooting Channel


911 Operator – “911… What’s your emergency?”

Unknown caller – (Pause) – Silence on the phone…

911 Operator – “Hello, can you hear me?”… “This is 911, what’s your emergency?”

Unknown caller – Deep and labored breathing heard on the phone…

911 Operator – “Hello, do you need police, fire or ambulance?” “Hello!”

Unknown caller – “911… I… I just shot someone.”

Calls like this happen far too often. However it is an unfortunate but true fact that many of our police departments and our 911 dispatchers will receive calls like this on a regular basis. Actually, almost on a daily basis for some departments. Geographically speaking, large cities, especially cities that tend to restrict certain gun ownership rights seem to be the worst. Like Chicago.

As a former police officer, homicide detective and periodic dispatcher for the law enforcement departments that I served over the years, I have personally taken my fair share of these types of calls.  None of them are the same, and yet all of them are seemingly alike.

For many of us, we will sign up for a concealed carry firearms course, take a home defense class or even attend a local martial arts school in order to learn how to protect ourselves from the wolves of our society. Either that or we can listen to our “sheep handler politicians” by hiding or cowering in our homes, underneath our desks in our offices, or in a closet within our schools, hoping that the police will arrive in time.

This article, as written, hopefully will help bring us a sense of order and understanding on how to better prepare ourselves for handling, or even responding to a shooting event and its aftermath.

Here are the 15 steps that are designed to get you on the other side of a defensive shooting event:

(1) How Did We Get Here – Preparing To Survive A Defensive Shooting Event

“The only way to survive a potential threat is to prepare ourselves to survive that threat.”

Mind, Body, Training, Tactics, Preparation

Mind: Begin by preparing your defensive and survival mindset. Prepare mentally.

Body: Get and keep yourself into physical shape. You must be physically fit to survive a fight or an altercation with your attacker.

Training: Train with firearms, edged weapons and in self-defense. You can never train enough. Practice often with your firearms, knives and hands/feet for close range encounters.

Tactics: There is no such thing as a fair fight. Use every method and every tactic available to you to survive the threat.

Preparation: Combine the four previous methods, mix generously, and overcome your attackers with determined effort.

(2) Defensive Gun Usage – How To Survive The Threat

“Stand your ground, shooting only when there is an imminent threat against you, or that of others.”

While At Home: Engaging the Threat – Surviving The Encounter

  • Harden your home defense with alarm systems, locks and lights. Use them if you have them and get them if you don’t.
  • Create a home defense plan. Know the plan. Drill the plan.
  • Have a go-to zone / safe room in your residence. Engage your “stand your ground” tactics accordingly.
  • Have a safe and loaded firearm ready. Take it with you to the go-to zone / safe room.
  • Keep a charged cell phone nearby. Take it with you into the go-to zone / safe room.
  • If someone enters your residence, take charge. Think, react and control the situation.
  • Work the home defense plan. Rush or retreat to the go-to zone/safe room. Dial 911.
  • If threatened or attacked, you must engage your threat. Shoot center mass and continue to shoot until the threat has been stopped. Reload and re-engage your threat again if necessary.
  • Stay in your go-to zone / safe room as long as it is safe to remain there.


While In Public: Engaging The Threat – Winning The Encounter

  • Know and plan your course of travel.
  • Harden your soft target defenses.
  • Travel with a friend.
  • Everyone should be alert and responsive to threats.
  • Wear clothing that creates easy access to your firearm or other carried weapons.
  • If possible, disengage from the threat, seek cover and monitor the threat.
  • If your attacker is an imminent threat to you or others, if you are armed – engage your attacker by shooting center mass.
  • Continue to shoot your attacker until the threat has been stopped.
  • Reload and re-engage your threat again if necessary.
  • Remain in a safe (cover) area if it is feasible to do so.


(3) Beyond The Shooting – The Immediate Aftermath

“Just beyond the threshold of danger lies the realization of what has just taken place”

  • Stay put, unless it is more dangerous to remain in-place. Do not approach the threat.
  • Keep a visual of your suspect, in case they are only wounded.
  • If your suspect is wounded, keep your firearm aimed at the intruder. Only engage them again if they threaten to harm you or others, or continue their attack.
  • Ensure that you have an adequate amount of ammunition loaded into your firearm; reload as necessary, however do not traverse to another area to gather more ammo if doing so will place you into further danger.


(4) Calling 911 – Reporting the Incident

“Calling for help has purpose and meaning. But how you report it may determine your fate”

  • Call 911 (if not already on the telephone with them). Do not wait. Call them immediately. Tell them that you just shot an intruder or attacker and that you were in fear of your life.
  • Tell 911 who you are and how you are dressed.
  • Tell 911 where you are located, and who is with you.
  • Give the 911 Operator a description, if available, of your attacker, and their location.
  • If your attacker was armed, describe what type of weapon they had, or you observed.
  • Tell 911 that you are still armed and that you will set your firearm or weapon down once the police have arrived and when you are safe from the suspect’s threat.
  • If requested by 911, stay on the line with them.
  • Give no additional statements, admissions, comments or apologies at this time. You are being recorded


(5) Waiting for the Police to Arrive – Securing the Scene

“The wailing of sirens sounds so close, yet seem to take forever to arrive”

  • Remain on the 911 call if instructed to do so by the 911 operator.
  • Just like law enforcement officers do, and if it is safe to do so, you need to secure the scene to the best of your ability and for your safety.
  • Don’t move any evidence and don’t move the suspect’s body. Keep the integrity of the shooting scene intact.
  • Remain vigilant for others who may be associates or additional attackers.
  • Watch out for crowds forming. They may be friends or acquaintances of the subject you just shot.
  • Watch out for onlookers or associates who might attempt to remove evidence, (i.e. gun, knife, weapon) from the scene of the shooting event. Identify them if required.
  • If evidence is taken, describe it and its location to the best of your ability to law enforcement officers.
  • Upon police arrival, place your firearm or weapon in a recoverable place (such as safely on the ground in front of you), and inform the responding officers of your firearms or weapons location. Identify it to officers without pointing it at them.
  • Comply with officers instructions. You may even be handcuffed. They are trying to protect themselves and they do not need to also get into an encounter with you. Remain calm.
  • Direct the officers to the offenders/ attackers weapons (if there was one).
  • Identify the suspect or suspects as the person or persons who attacked you or threatened you with bodily harm or death.

Next, Talking to the Police

Read the rest here The most important article you will read: What to do after a defensive shooting | The Daily Caller.

euthanasia for children motivated by compassion and protection WTF LIBS

Coming to an Obamacare program near you. Should children have the right to ask for their own deaths?  This is what the Liberals have been up to while you weren’t looking. I seam to recall that Hitler started out like this “kill the infirm” for “compassion” to “Kill the Jews” for the “country”. From the Unborn to the Born from the Infirm to Me and You the Liberal Nazis will KILL anyone that is an inconvenience to them.








Associated Press,

In Belgium, where euthanasia is now legal for people over the age of 18, the government is considering extending it to children — something that no other country has done. The same bill would offer the right to die to adults with early dementia.

Advocates argue that euthanasia for children, with the consent of their parents, is necessary to give families an option in a desperately painful situation. But opponents have questioned whether children can reasonably decide to end their own lives.
Belgium is already a euthanasia pioneer; it legalized the practice for adults in 2002. In the last decade, the number of reported cases per year has risen from 235 deaths in 2003 to 1,432 in 2012, the last year for which statistics are available. Doctors typically give patients a powerful sedative before injecting another drug to stop their heart.

Only a few countries have legalized euthanasia or anything approaching it. In the Netherlands, euthanasia is legal under specific circumstances and for children over the age of 12 with parental consent (there is an understanding that infants, too, can be euthanized, and that doctors will not be prosecuted if they act appropriately). Elsewhere in Europe, euthanasia is only legal in Luxembourg. Assisted suicide, where doctors help a patient to die but do not actively kill them, is allowed in Switzerland.

In the U.S., the state of Oregon also grants assisted suicide requests for residents aged 18 or over with a terminal illness.

In Belgium, the ruling Socialist party has proposed the bill expanding the right of euthanasia. The Christian Democratic Flemish party vowed to oppose the legislation and to challenge it in the European Court of Human Rights if it passes. A final decision must be approved by Parliament and could take months.

In the meantime, the Senate has heard testimony on both sides of the issue.

“It is strange that minors are considered legally incompetent in key areas, such as getting married, but might (be able) to decide to die,” Catholic Archbishop Andre-Joseph Leonard testified.

Leonard said alternatives like palliative sedation make euthanasia unnecessary — and relieves doctors of the burden of having to kill patients. In palliative sedation, patients are sedated and life-sustaining support is withdrawn so they starve to death; the process can take days.

But the debate has extended to medical ethicists and professionals far from Belgium. Charles Foster, who teaches medical law and ethics at Oxford University, believes children couldn’t possibly have the capacity to make an informed decision about euthanasia since even adults struggle with the concept.

“It often happens that when people get into the circumstances they had so feared earlier, they manage to cling on all the more,” he said. “Children, like everyone else, may not be able to anticipate how much they will value their lives if they were not killed.”

There are others, though, who argue that because Belgium has already approved euthanasia for adults, it is unjust to deny it to children.


“The principle of euthanasia for children sounds shocking at first, but it’s motivated by compassion and protection,” said John Harris, a professor of bioethics at the University of Manchester. “It’s unfair to provide euthanasia differentially to some citizens and not to others (children) if the need is equal.”

And Dr. Gerlant van Berlaer, a pediatric oncologist at the Universitair Ziekenhuis Brussels hospital, says the changes would legalize what is already happening informally. He said cases of euthanasia in children are rare and estimates about 10 to 100 cases in Belgium every year might qualify.

“Children have different ways of asking for things but they face the same questions as adults when they’re terminally sick,” van Berlaer said. “Sometimes it’s a sister who tells us her brother doesn’t want to go back to the hospital and is asking for a solution,” he said. “Today if these families find themselves (in that situation), we’re not able to help them, except in dark and questionable ways.”

The change in the law regarding people with dementia is also controversial.

People now can make a written declaration they wish to be euthanized if their health deteriorates, but the request is only valid for five years and they must be in an irreversible coma. The new proposal would abolish the time limit and the requirement the patient be in a coma, making it possible for someone who is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s to be put to death years later in the future.

In the Netherlands, guidelines allow doctors to euthanize dementia patients on this basis if they believe the person is experiencing “unbearable suffering,” but few are done in practice.

Dr. Patrick Cras, a neurologist at the University of Antwerp, said people with dementia often change their minds about wanting to die.

“They may turn into different people and may not have the same feelings about wanting to die as when they were fully competent,” he said. “I don’t see myself killing another person if he or she isn’t really aware of exactly what’s happening simply on the basis of a previous written request (to have euthanasia). I haven’t fully made up my mind but I think this is going too far.”

Penney Lewis, a professor and medical law expert at King’s College London, agreed that carrying out euthanasia requests on people with dementia once they start to worsen could be legally questionable.

“But if you don’t let people make decisions that will be respected in the future, including euthanasia, what you do is encourage people to take their own life while they have the capacity or to seek euthanasia much earlier,” she said.

In the past year, several cases of Belgians who weren’t terminally ill but were euthanized — including a pair of 43-year-old deaf twins who were going blind and a patient in a botched sex change operation — have raised concerns the country is becoming too willing to euthanize its citizens. The newest proposals have raised eyebrows even further.

“People elsewhere in Europe are focused on assisted dying for the terminally ill and they are running away from what’s happening in Belgium,” Lewis said. “If the Belgian statutes go ahead, this will be a key boundary that is crossed.”

Copyright 2013 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Saudi cleric -babies in burka, to reduce-being molested.

“Earlier this year, another Saudi cleric called on parents to dress their female babies in a burka, to reduce their chance of being molested.”

Blaze comment by SATX 19Oct. 30, 2013 at 2:53pm
“I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.” The quote comes from page 261 of the paperback edition of “The Audacity of Hope -Barak Hussein Obama
“The sweetest sound I know is the Muslim call to prayer” – Barak Huessin Obama
“Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance” – Barak Huessin Obama
“Whatever we once were, we are no longer a Christian nation” – Barak Huessin Obama
And of course, “Throughout history, Islam has demonstrated through words and deeds the possibilities of religious tolerance and racial equality.” – Barak Hussein Obama

Editor’s note: This story contains graphic descriptions. Oct. 30, 2013 1:41pm Sharona Schwartz / TheBlaze

Some crimes are so horrific they defy comprehension. Here is one such case being reported by Persian Gulf media.

Saudi Men Accused of Gang Raping a 3 Year Old (Yes, a 3 Year Old)
The Arabic language daily Okaz published this photo with its story about the reported gang rape of the 3-year-old girl. (Image source: Okaz via Emirates 24/7)
A 3-year-old girl in Saudi Arabia was reportedly raped by a group of men. After taking turns violating the toddler, the men dumped her near a hospital where she was classified in serious condition, the website Emirates 24/7 reported.

Though the attack reportedly occurred last month, police revealed the incident only this past Monday, saying they had arrested three suspects along with two women in connection with the attack.

Doctors at a hospital in Jeddah say the girl is still in a coma and fighting for her life, Gulf News reported.

“She has been raped violently by some men. She was found crying of excruciating pain as her body was full of bruises and her sensitive parts were ruptured,” hospital manager Mohammed Ali told the Saudi Arabia oulet Okaz, as reported by the English-language Emirates 24/7.

Ali said the girl’s clothes were torn and she was bleeding from the vagina.

An eyewitness, Abdullah Mohammad Nasser, was quoted by Gulf News saying he saw a car dump the girl at the front gate and then speed away

“These are human wolves and worse than animals. They have violated all human and religious values with this heinous crime,” the hospital manager said. “We hope she will respond to treatment and recover although doctors believe she will suffer from a trauma for the rest of her life.”

Earlier this month, a Saudi preacher convicted of torturing his 5-year-old daughter with a cane and cables and beating her to death in 2011 was sentenced to eight years in prison and 600 lashes after paying blood money to the family of the girl’s mother. The killing was reportedly motivated by the father’s suspicions about the girl’s virginity.

Earlier this year, another Saudi cleric called on parents to dress their female babies in a burka, to reduce their chance of being molested.

Blaze comment by


Oct. 30, 2013 at 3:30pm

When you have to dress your toddlers in a burqa to reduce the chances of them being molested, it lets you know what type of perverts you are dealing with.

I guess they are just following in mohammeds footsteps

child rape cases increased from 668 in 2002 to 2,788 last year.

Oct. 30, 2013 10:16am 

A 13-year-old Pakistani girl was raped by two men and buried alive but managed to extract herself from the shallow grave after regaining consciousness, according to local news reports and the New York Post.

The girl was reportedly attacked in an isolated location in the Punjab province as she was on her way to a religious seminary for Koran lessons, the website Outlook India reports.

Her father, Siddique Mughal, told police about the abduction. He told Outlook India that the two men had thought she had died during the brutal assault, thus they buried her on the side of the road.

The girl, however, regained consciousness and managed to dig herself out of the mud. A passerby then took her to a local health center.

13 Year Old Girl Digs Herself out of Grave After Being Raped and Buried Alive by Two Men
File photo: Getty Images
Mughal claims that the police refused to cooperate, but that the Lahore High Court Chief Justice’s Complaint Cell instructed them to arrest attackers immediately.

Pakistan faces the challenge of putting an end to child rape, as some believe that HIV can be cured by having sex with a virgin, according to the children’s charity Sahil.

Sahil tells the International Business Times that child rape cases increased from 668 in 2002 to 2,788 last year.

“We still think these statistics are just a fraction of what’s going on,” Executive Director Manizeh Bano tells International Business Times.

The D.C. Gun Raid You Won’t Believe with an Ending You Might Not Be Able to Stomach |


Oct. 24, 2013 9:26am Dave Urbanski


When more than 30 police officers in full tactical gear descended upon the house of a successful Washington, D.C., businessman with no criminal record last summer, they were looking for “firearms and ammunition … gun cleaning equipment, holsters, bullet holders and ammunition receipts,” The Washington Times reported.

Mark Witaschek. (Image source: The Washington Times)

But what did police find after they shut down the streets for blocks around Mark Witaschek’s Georgetown home, broke down a bathroom door with a battering ram and pulled his 16-year-old son out of the shower naked, pointed guns at the heads of Witaschek and his girlfriend, handcuffed them and then “tossed the place” for two hours?

Very little, according to the Times’ Emily Miller:

“One live round of 12-gauge shotgun ammunition” — actually an inoperable shell that misfired during a hunt years earlier that Witaschek kept as a souvenir.

“One handgun holster” — perfectly legal.

“One expended round of .270 caliber ammunition” — a spent brass casing.

“One box of Knight bullets for reloading,” according to police notation on the warrant. Except, Miller reveals, they aren’t for reloading — they’re for antique-replica, single-shot, muzzle-loading rifles.

And after all that, in the wake of a raid which Witaschek estimates resulted in $10,000 damage to his house, he faces two years in prison for possession of unregistered ammunition, the Times reported.

D.C. law requires residents to register every firearm with police, and only registered gun owners can possess ammunition, which includes spent shells and casings. The maximum penalty for violating these laws is a $1,000 fine and a year in jail, the Times noted.

While Witaschek has never had a firearm in Washington, D.C., Miller wrote that he’s being “prosecuted to the full extent of the law.” The trial starts Nov. 4.

More from the Times:

This was the second police search of his home. Exactly one month earlier, Witaschek allowed members of the “Gun Recovery Unit” access to search without a warrant because he thought he had nothing to hide.

After about an hour and a half, the police found one box of Winchester .40 caliber ammunition, one gun-cleaning kit (fully legal) and a Civil War-era Colt antique revolver that Witaschek kept on his office desk. The police seized the Colt even though antique firearms are legal and do not have to be registered.

Witaschek is a gun owner and an avid hunter. However, he stores his firearms at the home of his sister, Sylvia Witaschek, in suburban Arlington, Va.

Two weeks after the June raid, D.C. police investigators went to his sister’s house — unaccompanied by Virginia police and without a warrant — and asked to “view” the firearms, according to a police report. She refused. The next day, the D.C. police returned to her house with the Arlington County police and served her with a criminal subpoena.

The Office of Attorney General of the District of Columbia Irvin Nathan signed an affidavit on Aug. 21, 2012, in support of a warrant to arrest Witaschek. A spokesman for Nathan would not comment on a pending case. […]

In September 2012, the attorney general offered Witaschek a deal to plead guilty to one charge of unlawful possession of ammunition with a penalty of a year of probation, a $500 fine and a contribution to a victims’ fund.

Witaschek turned down the offer. “It’s the principle,” he told me.

via The D.C. Gun Raid You Won’t Believe with an Ending You Might Not Be Able to Stomach |

Abortion Practitioners Played Catch With Bodies of Babies Killed in Abortion |

More fun for #teamwendy “games of toss with aborted babies”

Abortion providers see the bodies of aborted babies daily. They deal with the grief and heartache of seeing women through what is almost always a difficult and painful experience. Sometimes the stress of what they are doing comes out in disturbing ways. According to Father Frank Pavone from Priests for Life:

Former workers in the abortion industry have told us stories about playing games of toss with aborted babies in the hallway. Your mind has to invert what is going on: to make it a game, a joke, something positive. It’s the only way to keep from going crazy — and some of them do.

When I read this, it reminded me of another quote I ran across in a book by Rachel MacNair, who was known for working with Feminists for Life. MacNair’s book, Perpetration-Induced Traumatic Stress: The Psychological Consequences of Killing, discusses the emotional problems that plague those who kill. It discusses the pressures faced by soldiers in wartime as well as those affecting abortion clinic workers who kill babies on a regular basis. She cites studies that show that alcoholism, suicidal depression, and other emotional problems plague clinic workers and doctors who perform abortions.

One reaction is to act out. A clinic worker told MacNair:

The one thing that sticks out in my mind the most, that really upset me the most, was that he [the abortionist] had done an abortion, he had a fetus wrapped inside of a blue paper. He stuck it inside of a surgical glove and put another glove over it. He was standing in the hall, speaking with myself and two of his assistants. He was tossing the fetus up in the air and catching it. Like it was a rubber ball. I just looked at him and it’s like doctor, please. And he laughed. He says, “Nobody knows what this is.” (1)

Abby Johnson described how clinic workers called the freezer that held the bodies of aborted children “the nursery.” She talks about how clinic workers joked about giving baby-shaped cookies with blood-red icing to the protesters outside. What happens to the soul of a person who becomes this hardened? It is a truly twisted perspective.

1. Rachel M. Macnair, Perpetration-Induced Traumatic Stress: The Psychological Consequences of Killing. (Westport, CT: Praeger, 2002) Note: Sarah Terzo is a pro-life liberal who runs, a web site devoted to exposing the abortion industry. She is a member of the pro-life groups PLAGAL and Secular Pro-Life. This originally appeared at Live Action News.

via Abortion Practitioners Played Catch With Bodies of Babies Killed in Abortion |

Thank You Wendy you gave YOUR child the chance at life

OOPS ONE GOT AWAY, don’t worry #TeamWendy will get them next time.



Before she donned her hot pink sneakers and became a voice for abortion supporters across the nation, Wendy Davis was a single mother at age 19.

Being a single mother raised by a single mother, the odds were stacked against her.

However, she worked hard to provide for her child, attended college and eventually graduated from Harvard Law School.

Today Wendy is a proven, successful lawmaker in the Texas State Senate.

Wendy’s life serves as an example to women across the country facing an unplanned pregnancy and the possibility of single motherhood. Through her story we are reminded that, even in times of uncertainty and challenge, women can raise children and be wonderful examples of success.

Join thousands of prolife Americans in thanking Wendy Davis for not only choosing life for her child, but for overcoming difficult challenges to be a successful woman and mother.

This letter of support will be made available to Senator Davis for her consideration and encouragement.

Please add your name!

Dear Senator Davis,

As an American who believes that all life is valuable and should be protected, I thank you for having the courage to bear and raise your own child when social pressure and personal circumstances were against you.

Your actions thirty years ago remind us that courage, hard work, and grace can overcome challenges, for both mother and child.

Today, I commit myself to helping the thousands of women across this nation who face unplanned pregnancies. Through the work of life-affirming pregnancy centers, community organizations and local churches, I will support these women in their time of need.

I will encourage women in crisis pregnancies to follow the example you set when you gave your child the chance at life.

Thank you, Senator, for demonstrating true courage and strength.


via Thank Wendy Davis | Thank You Wendy.



CINCINNATI (AP) — Officials at a cemetery that removed a slain Iraq war veteran’s towering SpongeBob SquarePants headstone from her final resting place after they deemed it inappropriate for their traditional grounds were planning to meet with the soldier’s family to explore possible solutions.

The headstone of Kimberly Walker, 28, was made in the likeness of her favorite cartoon character and erected at Spring Grove Cemetery on Oct. 10, almost eight months after she was found slain in a Colorado hotel room.

Despite getting the cemetery’s prior approval of the headstone’s design – a smiling SpongeBob in an Army uniform, with Walker’s name and rank – her family said Monday that cemetery staff called them the day after it was installed to say it would have to come down.

The 7-foot headstone, along with a near-exact duplicate erected for Walker’s living twin sister, have been removed and will not be allowed back up, cemetery President Gary Freytag said Monday.

“We’ve decided that they aren’t appropriate for our historic cemetery and they can’t be displayed here,” Freytag said, adding that the employee who approved the headstones made an inexplicable error in judgment, given the cemetery’s traditional, stately appearance.

He acknowledged that the cemetery is at fault and that staff members would be meeting with Walker’s family on Tuesday to try to find a solution, which could include a more traditional gravestone bearing small likeness of the character.

Freytag also said Spring Grove is prepared to reimburse the family for each headstone, which cost a combined $26,000, and pay for new ones.

“I feel terrible that it got to this point but I’m hoping we can come out at the other end of the tunnel with a solution,” he said.

Cemetery officials plan to meet with Walker’s family on Tuesday.

Walker was an Army corporal assigned to the 2nd General Support Aviation Battalion and served two year-long tours Iraq in 2006 and 2010 as a petroleum supply specialist, her family said.

Walker was found dead in a hotel room in Colorado Springs in February on Valentine’s Day, strangled and beaten to death. Her boyfriend, an Army sergeant stationed nearby, was arrested and charged with her killing.

Walker’s twin sister, Kara Walker, said the family is beyond distraught. A lot of thought went into choosing the gravestones which she said were chosen because her sister loved SpongeBob, even outfitting her entire bedroom with the cartoon character’s decorations.

“It is frustrating that you entrust a cemetery to have your best interest at heart and accommodate you and your family at a hard time … and because they don’t like it they’re going to take it down,” said Kara Walker, 29, an information technician for the U.S. Navy stationed in Naples, Italy.

“My sister served our country and most people try to accommodate veterans and try to take care of them,” said Walker, who is visiting her family. “For them not to accommodate and respect what my sister sacrificed, not only for my family, but for everyone else in this country, really bothers me.”

She said the only way the cemetery can make it up to the family, which she said pre-paid for six plots for $29,000, is to put the headstones back.

“They already brought enough grief and pain to the family,” she said. “We want what we paid for and what I know my sister would have wanted.”

News from The Associated Press.

Posted in ASS WAGON, crime, News| Tagged , |

Restrict our freedoms to “sooth” the phobia of a few?

The Texas Penal Code makes it illegal to display “a firearm or other deadly weapon in a public place in a manner calculated to alarm.”

what the hell does that mean? alarm who? “people leaving the store “expressed concern,”” and ‘men had the rifles “on their laps and in hand.””

in their hand how? as they set it down by the table? there are tons of stories about LIB’S “alarmed” by the site of a gun that isn’t a “gun” a drawing a pic on a t shirt a hand gun that’s really a hand of a 6yo even a POP TART

why should we have laws that restrict our freedoms to “sooth” the phobia of a few?
Look Mr.,Miss. Lib in your average week you are next to , in proximity of 100’s of “arms” just like spiders, snakes, and other dangerous things that can wound or kill.

you are more likely to die in your bathroom than get shot especially by a Law Abiding Citizen. Make no mistake the law abiding is what we are talking about in every gun law debate. criminals by definition do not fallow LAWS.

plans for Mao’s birthday: 70 million dead

the lefts fav bff from the way past is mao he killed  because of his glorious revolution 70 million people, can you say  Liberal Death Culture. here’s what China should do take the $2.5 billion  divide it by the  70 million dead  35.714285714285714285714285714286 per person killed by MAO say you’re sorry and set them FREE to live their own lives. BTW  China’s “Great Leap Forward”, sounds an awful lot like the obama/left slogan how many will they KILL here ?

The late leader’s legacy is often associated in the West with events such as China’s Great Leap Forward, when tens of millions died through famine, as well as the Cultural Revolution.

via Outrage over China’s plans for Mao’s birthday.

(treachery, treason, knavery, dishonest, ASSWAGON) McConnell: No More Shutdowns Over Obamacare


Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell made it clear on Thursday that repealing Obamacare would never be used by Republicans again to bring the federal government to a halt.

“One of my favorite old Kentucky sayings is there’s no education in the second kick of a mule,” McConnell told The Hill. “The first kick of a mule was when we shut the government down in the mid-1990s — and the second kick was over the last 16 days.”

“There will not be a government shutdown,” the Kentucky Republican added.

Urgent: Should the House Have Agreed to Debt Deal? Vote Here 

The Obamacare strategy was pushed by several young congressional Republicans backed by the tea party — including freshman Sen. Ted Cruz, who spoke against the healthcare plan for more than 21 hours on the Senate floor last month — which led to a 16-day partial shutdown of the government and jeopardized the nation’s borrowing authority.

“I think we have fully now acquainted our new members with what a losing strategy that is,” McConnell told The Hill. 

The federal government reopened 
on Thursday after a battle-scarred Congress approved a bipartisan measure to end the shutdown and avert the possibility of an economy-jarring default on U.S. obligations.

President Barack Obama signed the measure early Thursday after the House and Senate passed it late Wednesday.

The legislation funds the government through Jan. 15 and extends the nation’s debt ceiling through Feb. 7. It ended a brawl with Republicans who tried to use the must-pass legislation to mount a last-ditch effort to derail the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and demand concessions on the budget.

The White House directed all agencies to reopen promptly and in an orderly fashion. More than 350,000 furloughed federal employees across the country were expected to return to work on Thursday.

Standard & Poor’s estimated the shutdown has taken $24 billion out of the economy, and the Fitch credit rating agency warned on Tuesday that it was reviewing its AAA rating on U.S. government debt for a possible downgrade.

McConnell told The Hill that the fight to stop the healthcare law would not take place in January, either, even though he and many other Republicans “hate, detest, and despise Obamacare.”

Noting that some Democrats would like to repeal the 2.3 percent medical-device tax that is used to finance the healthcare law, McConnell said Republicans are out of luck on ending or altering Obamacare before 2017 “unless Democrats get so shaky about parts of it.

Urgent: Should the House Have Agreed to Debt Deal? Vote Here 

“They may, depending upon the amount of heat they get from their constituents because of rising premiums, because of job loss, because of the chaos of the exchanges, they may be open to changes,” he said.

“But full-scale repeal is obviously something that’s not going to be achievable until I’m the majority leader of the Senate and we have a new president,” McConnell said.

In several exclusive interviews with Newsmax in recent weeks, McConnell related the “math problem” Republicans face in the Senate in trying to repeal Obamacare.

The GOP holds 46 seats in the upper chamber, versus 52 for Democrats. The Senate also has two independents, and they caucus with the Democrats.

“We demonstrated once again that every single Republican is in favor of defunding Obamacare,” he told Newsmax after senators backed a measure to temporarily fund the government that Obama later rejected. “We had a solid party-line vote. Our difficulty, of course, in achieving that has to do with simple mathematics.”

Meanwhile, McConnell told The Hill that he took over the negotiations leading to the final agreement after Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada and the White House rejected the latest offer from House Republicans.

“By the time I came in [Wednesday], it was clear to me that it was up to me to get us out of the government shutdown and make sure we didn’t default,” he told The Hill.

He said he related the party’s untenable position to fellow Republican senators privately via football analogies, looking toward being in a better position to seek cuts in spending and entitlement programs next year.

“So I met with my members. I said, ‘Look, I think we all know I have a weak hand here,'” McConnell told The Hill. “I’m on my own two-yard line. The offensive line is a little shaky, and what best I think we can do is get off a punt here to try to get into a better field position.”

But his requirements for the deal were that it not raise taxes nor jeopardize the spending cuts imposed through sequestration.

“We didn’t raise taxes and we didn’t bust the caps, but we’ll be back at it in January and February, which is why I call it a punt, with better field position to fight again another day,” McConnell told The Hill.

McConnell: No More Shutdowns Over Obamacare.

MORE Liberal Death Culture: body of baby; bag of teen

WHY pay $200 for an abortion when you can just use a trash can??? Don’t be to hard on this teen in the very near future your kids or grand kids that survive the dumpster will have to make a choice to comply with the Liberal Death Culture laws like China’s One-Child Policy or not. OH whats that you SAY that won’t happen here… really? Kermit Gosnell was found guilty of murdering three babies born alive during failed abortions by “snipping” their spinal cords. His former employees alleged that “hundreds” of babies were killed in this way.


Today the body of a baby was discovered in the bag of a 17-year-old teen suspected of shoplifting at a Victoria’s Secret store in Manhatten. People are rightly shocked by this event.

However, what if I told you that this sort of thing is happening routinely, all across the country, as well as in other parts of the world? And that the only reason that it’s making national headlines this time is because the discovery of the baby’s body was at a Victoria Secret store, which gives the story that extra bizarre twist, with just a hint of weird sexuality, that will grab attention?

Take a look at the following list…which is far from complete. I’ve simply compiled some of the most shocking, and most recent incidents.

China’s “sewer baby” was flushed down a toilet, before becoming stuck in a sewage pipe. The baby was rescued by firefighters.

Here are the incidents in just the past eight months or so:

  • October 17 – A 17-year-old girl is stopped at a Victoria’s Secret store in Manhatten for suspected shoplifting, and admits that in her bag she has the body of a baby that she gave birth to the day previous.
  • October 11 – A newborn baby is found, bleeding but alive, with part of his umbilical cord still attached, abandoned on the concrete in the back yard of a house in Queen’s, New York. The baby survived.
  • September 19 – The body of a baby is found at a garbage dump in West Yorkshire, in the United Kingdom.
  • August 28 – A woman gives birth in a bar bathroom in Pennsylvania, stuffs the baby in the water tank of a toilet, and then returns to the bar to watch a fight on TV. The body was subsequently discovered by the bar owner.
  • August 7 – The body of a baby is discovered at hospital rest room in Texas.
  • July 9 – Police discover the body of a baby abandoned in a diaper box in the bushes at a public park in Roseville, California.
  • June 21 – The body of a small baby is found in a solid waste tank in a waste disposal plant just north of Montreal. Police say the baby was likely flushed down the toilet.
  • June 21  – The body of a newborn baby is discovered in a trash can in Oildale, California.
  • June 20 – An Iraqi-born UK woman is found guilty of causing grievous bodily harm after stuffing her baby in a garbage bag and throwing her down a 44 ft. garbage chute.
  • June 14 – A garbage truck driver in Thailand sees a small hand emerge from a garbage bag during a pickup. The baby had a balloon tied around her throat.
  • June 12 – Brittany Cole is arrested in Altheimer, Arkansas, after dumping her infant son in the trash can. She reportedly told police that she was tired of caring for the baby and could no longer do so.
  • June 5 – Twenty-seven-year-old Virginia resident Shavaughn Robinson is charged after allegedly giving birth in a toilet, then placing her daughter in a trash can, and then taking the garbage bag with the baby in it out of the can and tossing it in a dumpster.
  • June 4 – A dog discovers a living baby in Thailand that had been placed in a white plastic bag in a dump. The baby, which was premature, survived.
  • May 30 – Police announce that charges will not be filed against a Kansas teen who gave birth and dumped the body of her baby in a trash can. The teen claimed the baby was stillborn.
  • May 27 – Video footage of firefighters in Jinhua, China, rescuing a baby who had become stuck in a sewage pipe, rockets around the globe. The baby’s mother apparently gave birth on the toilet, and by her own account “accidentally” flushed the baby down the toilet. The mom reportedly hid the pregnancy because the baby was not considered legal under China’s brutal One-Child Policy.
  • May 2 – Cherlie Lafleur, 19, is arrested in Pennsylvania after allegedly attempting to flush her newborn baby down the toilet at her school. When that didn’t work, she reportedly deposited the body in the trash can.
  • Dec. 10, 2012 – The body of a newborn baby is discovered on the conveyor belt of a garbage sorting facility in La Puente, California.

Click “like” if you are PRO-LIFE

I’ve been working in the news business for nearly 10 years, and I can’t ever recall a similar string of incidents. Recently, to help keep all these disturbing stories organized on our website we even had to come up with a tag, the macabre, but sadly necessary “toilet births.”

So why is this happening all over the place? Good question.

Last month, a prominent Catholic deacon speculated that the rash of such incidents signals the return of the ancient pagan practice of “exposure,” in which parents would simply leave their unwanted newborn babies on a rock or in the wild to die.

“It was the Christians who saved [these babies] and transformed those cultures from cultures of death into cultures of life,” wrote Deacon Keith Fournier.

However, he said, the rise of the abortion culture seems to be bringing the custom back in an unofficial form, with numerous gruesome stories emerging in recent months of parents unceremoniously discarding their newborn children.

“These contemporary examples substitute a trash can or a dumpster for the rock,” Fournier wrote.

But, he said, this trend isn’t surprising, since “babies are treated as trash” in abortion clinics across the country.

It’s hard to argue with that logic. Take a look at these other recent incidents:

  • May 28, 2013 – Report surfaces from China about how Chinese officials forcibly aborted a mother who was 8-months pregnant, literally “yanking” her baby out of her, and then dumping it in the trash can.
  • May 14, 2013 – Three former workers at a Texas abortion clinic run by abortionist Douglas Karpen step forward alleging that babies are routinely murdered after being born alive during failed late-term abortions at Karpen’s clinic.  One of Karpen’s former assistants said the abortionist would even “twist” the babies heads off.
  • May 13 – Kermit Gosnell is found guilty of murdering three babies born alive during failed abortions by “snipping” their spinal cords. His former employees alleged that “hundreds” of babies were killed in this way. In some cases their dismembered feet were kept in jars, or their bodies stuffed into plastic containers and stored in the clinic freezer.
  • May 8, 2013 – Live Action release undercover footage of renowned late-term abortionist Leroy Carhart telling a woman seeking an abortion that after he kills the baby in her womb, it will soften up like “meat in a crock pot,” before the body of the baby is removed three days later.
  • April 29, 2013 – Live Action releases undercover footage of a worker at a late-term abortion facility telling a woman seeking an abortion to just “flush it” if the baby is accidentally born alive during the abortion. “If it comes out, then it comes out. Flush it…if anything, you know, put it in a bag or something or somewhere and bring it to us,” the counselor says.
  • April 19, 2013 – A former employee of late-term abortionist Kermit Gosnell testfies in court how on one occasion a fully formed baby was born alive into a toilet. Kareema Cross said the baby was making “swimming motions” as if it was trying to get out. Another of Gosnell’s employees, Adrienne Moton, then took the baby out of the toilet, and slit its spinal cord.

And this only touches the surface of similarly macabre stories that have come out of the abortion industry. The Gosnell case alone provided hundreds of pages of nausea-inducing stories of living newborn babies crying, squirming and swimming before being brutally murdered and then dumped in the trash can, or ground up in the clinic’s garbage disposal.

While Gosnell was found guilty because he murdered the babies after they were born, it’s clear that his crimes stemmed directly from the abortionist’s mentality. In many cases if he had killed the babies minutes earlier, it would have been perfectly legal, or, at worst, a violation of the state’s 24-week cut off. To him there was little difference between killing them before or after birth. And is that really all that surprising?

Recently, former Seattle City Council member Judy Nicastro wrote an article in the New York Times touting her abortion of her son at 23 weeks, saying that she was “grateful” that the late-term abortion let her son die “in a warm and loving place.” In the article she describes, as if it were a beautifully emotional moment, how, “I felt my son’s budding life end as a doctor inserted a needle through my belly into his tiny heart.”

Pro-life activists tend to believe that if they convince someone that the unborn child is human and alive, then they will be against abortion. But Nicastro had no doubt that that what happend during her abortion was that the abortionist killed her living son. Not a fetus, but her son. And she is “grateful” for that, and thinks it was a beautiful thing, the right thing to do.

So why are there so many stories emerging of moms or others dumping their babies into toilets or trash cans? Could it possibly be the fact that our politicians, our doctors, and our laws, all agree that killing babies and treating them like trash is acceptable, and a critical part of a “free” society? And if so, should we really be surprised when people behave as if that’s actually true?

Liberal Death Culture Leads to 15-Year-Old Girl Attacked By Group of Teens

This is what happens when you have a Liberal Death Culture, life (all Human life that is) is not precious it’s not special or important. We came from animals so it must then stand to reason we can act like animals. Or. maybe some of us just aren’t as evolved as others, however you want to put it.


PHILADELPHIA (CBS) – Speaking exclusively to CBS 3, a 15-year-old high school student, whose identity we are concealing, described a terrifying attack by a gang of at least nine teenage boys as she was leaving an Interboro High School football game Monday night.

The teenage victim described first being taunted by the attackers, who followed her down a neighborhood street, cursing and spitting at her, before she was repeatedly kicked and punched, suffering at least one blow to her head.

“It was scary, just horrible, just the worst feeling in the world,” she said. “He punched me in my back and then kicked me in the back, and then punched me in the back of my head. I couldn’t breathe, I couldn’t move, I couldn’t talk. I was just straight crying.”

The victim says as at least two of the teenagers pummeled her, the others cheered them on shouting, “Come on, let’s get her!” At one point, the victim says, the gang tried to throw her under the wheels of a passing car, which swerved, narrowly missing her.

“They took me by my arm and just threw me out like I was a fishing rod. I was doubled over in pain,” she said. “Everything was just a big, giant blur.”

After being left injured in the roadway, she told CBS 3′s Walt Hunter that she staggered more than a mile to her home, worried she might not make it, before collapsing in the driveway.

Rushed by her parents to Taylor Hospital, she was medevaced to Children’s Hospital where, her parents say, she was treated for a partially collapsed lung and other injuries. After being released 48 hours after the attack, she is now recovering at home as police move forward with their investigation.

“What happened that night is beyond belief to me,” said Joe Parris, the victim’s father.

The victim and her family want to see the attackers brought to justice, and they say they are trying to comprehend what could possibly prompt a pack of strangers to viciously attack a young woman walking home from a football game.

If you have information, please call Glenolden Police at 610-583-1312.

via EXCLUSIVE: 15-Year-Old Girl Attacked By Group of Teens In Delaware County « CBS Philly.

Michelle Malkin |Homeland insecurity alert: Dry ice and dry runs



Homeland insecurity alert: Dry ice and dry runs

by Michelle Malkin


Testing, 1, 2, 3, testing. Jihadists never go on furlough. While shutdown theater preoccupies Washington, terror plotters remain on the clock. The question is: Will America keep hitting the post-9/11 snooze button?

At Los Angeles International Airport, two dry ice bombs exploded this week, and two others were found in a restricted area of the airport. According to the Los Angeles Times, the devices “appeared to be outside the terminal near planes where employees such as baggage handlers and others work on the aircraft and its cargo.” [Latest development: Baggage handler arrested in LAX ice explosions.]

That reminds me: It’s been more than a year since watchdogs warned Capitol Hill that our massive homeland security bureaucracy was neglecting these very areas of our nation’s airports. Grandmas, babies and war heroes are routinely groped, manhandled and humiliated in the name of transportation safety. But untold numbers of ground personnel still have easy, breezy access to airplanes and luggage.

via Michelle Malkin |.

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